Slidoo's #PLUSHIECONTEST is Today!

Tweet about the contest using the hashtag #PLUSHIECONTEST!

Hi jammers!
If you don't know, I love collecting plushies on Animal Jam! I have a LOT of them!
I have even more that aren't shown in the picture! However, I am getting a lot of plushies that I already have, AND to top it off, my den is full so I can't add any new plushies to the collection! I have a lot of plushies that I don't need/want and can't put them in my den so... I'm having random plushie contests TODAY!

I will be on server GRANDE, on my crocodile "Master Cleverclaws". I will be at Jamaa Township, and throughout the day I will have random contests! I've already had one, and the winner received a black koala plushie.

If you want to participate in the contests, go to server Grande, and go into Jamaa Township. The contests are going to be scattered randomly from 12:30 EST to 2:30 EST today. I will give warnings (shouting "CONTEST IN 2 MINUTES!") at the town, and the contests will be different each time. The contests require quick thinking and you need to move fast in order to win! Your prize will be a random plushie!

Contest 1 winner: Unknown
Contest 2 winner: Laurel019
Contest 3 winner: Laurel019 (again!)
Contest 4 winner: Laurel019 won again but gave prize to 2nd place KingRoyal!
Contest 5 winner: Arcticninja123



  1. Thanks for my pink elephant plushie! It's really cool, I'll be sure to put it in my den!


  2. Hey TheSlidoo!
    I love your blog! It is very cool and awesome! I was wondering, could you add me on aj? My username is Goofy8966, I'm a big fan of this blog and I think it would be an honor to be your friend. Well, I hope to see you in Jamaa someday and keep up the paw some work!
    -Junior Shydog

    1. Hey there Goofy!
      I'm sure if Slidoo has enough space on his Friend List he will add you. Have fun in Jamaa!

  3. @Swurve
    Thanks! I really hope so, I'm a really big fan of this blog!
    See you in Jamaa!

  4. @Slidoo
    Hey Slidoo, what template did you use to make Club Penguin To Go? No offense, but that template is better than the one you used on Club Penguin Agents...
    -Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

  5. Slidoo (not signed in)January 16, 2012 at 5:00 PM

    @Gecko - it's a custom theme, originally a default blogger theme that I edited a LOT with HTML. I think it began as Picture Window but I'm not sure. Over time I completely changed the HTML around and made it look like a whole new theme


  6. @Slidoo
    Cool! Blogger doesn't like the fact that I used two CSS over-ride codes to take away the blogger link in the footer and the Nav Bar. By the way, did you know is open to the public? A cookie I have in my browser picked up all these scripts in the site, and even his I.P. Address! Now I know where he lives and his phone number and I bet a lot of other people do too. Anyone could hack him so easily... I think maybe it's still messed up from the last time he was hacked...

  7. @Gecko - I actually work there as an author but I don't usually post. Yeah, his blog isn't extremely.. secure. He gets hacked a lot...

  8. Slidoo... why did you change the template on Club Penguin Agents to the current one in October? I know it was supposed to be the Halloween theme... but why didn't you change it back? It was AWESOME! Back then you had one of the most popular CP blogs because of that template. Some people think you did that so that you would have an excuse to leave because you were bored with CPA. I don't think so... I just wish you didn't give up on CPA like this.

  9. I am so pleased to find someone else who enjoy giving away plushies to others and collecting their own! Please visit my den, Topgirlyforever, you will be amazed how many i have and in storage! :)

  10. OMG I have soo many plushies if only I competed!

  11. I had allot of plushies onece!
