Exclusive Temple of Zios Screen-Shots!

Hey Jammers!
Today, me and my sister, Mysteryhorse, found out some important ways to use the "Levatating Glitch" as it's been called. These are pictures that no one could see without this glitch! They take place at the Lost Temple of Zios. Take a look:
There's an elephant on top of the Temple of Trivia! And who would guess! Also, here's what it looks like on top of the Temple of Knowledge:
I really like this glitch! It's fun, but AJHQ will probably remove it so the game is more professional.

How to get there:
Start by standing beside the Chamber of Knowledge.
Next, click right about here:
As soon as you're walking there you need to quickly click on the switch animals button and click on the animal that you're currently using! As soon as you've switched animals quickly click on this spot again:
It may take a few tries but you should be on the walls!

Go Explore Jamaa now and tell me what you find!

Jam On!

~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author


  1. I had to ruin the screen-shots with my name because to many people steal my pics... :(
    ~Geckoguy, Animal Jam Community Author

    1. Nope.You didn't ruin them, it's absolutely fine!

    2. Is it alright if I use your pictures of the Alphas?

    3. Email me telling me if it is okay at cindijwalker56@gmail.com

  2. Man... I just made a video about how to do it and was about to post it... that's okay though.
    -Geckoguy Animal Jam Explorers Author

  3. Slidoo (not signed in)January 18, 2012 at 6:57 PM

    Oh, sorry Gecko! D=

  4. That's okay... I know my version of the post wasn't as good as it should have been... I'll try harder next time.

  5. Princes Desertmoon and Princess Desertstone is my animals names!!!!!!!!!

  6. Try to find me! My user is lenseg9! :D

  7. My user is lenseg9!

  8. I do it by clicking window door window door untill i get up

  9. Replies
    1. Oh yeah! I couldn't get pretty much everyone though. DX

  10. I never knew there was an elephant there! o.o

  11. Sorry i am posting this a little late but eagles are out and they can see that easily without that glitch!So my brilliant brother said "Eagles are based on that glitch that this person found out and i am not a fan of animal jam just figured."Okay thank you for reading my comment!

  12. Maybe you clicked in the wrong place?
