Cut in Half Cape Glitch

Hi jammers!
There are many glitches in Animal Jam right now, including the bizarre walking on the sky glitch, which I was told about by a friend of mine. Unfortunately they asked me not to share it so I'm being a good friend and I won't blog about it until it becomes more known.

However, another glitch has recently popped up. If you don't know, Sir Loopymoon wears an old "rare" black and white top hat and matching cape.  Whenever I do the play action, the cape cuts into my back!
Look carefully at my back... It shows, and the cape gets cut off in the middle! This is a weird glitch... Can you find any other clothing glitches?

And yes, I have got my membership back!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's just for one month but I'll probably renew it when it expires :P Depends though, I spent 95% of my money on an iPad.


  3. gtg... still can't post... oh well.... HELP?

  4. I got the one with the rules... BTW your dog Tessa is ADORABLE!

  5. bigcatsfoever (not signed in)January 10, 2012 at 5:33 PM

    Please add me. I am friends with mldb and I love your blog! Please I am bigcatsfoever. I am not signed in but I have a blog. Its is Animal Jam Fire

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @geckoguy
    I wasn't advertising. I was just telling him I have a blog.
    If I was advertising I would say "Slidoo please look at my blog and comment on it." Thats advertising I just told him I had a blog.

  8. Thank you for adding me Slidoo! :D

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry if I am sounding rude. I was just explaining that I was not advertising.

  11. @geckoguy
    I didn't know! D: Sorry

  12. That's odd Gecko. Have you checked your spam box? Your email might have detected the invite as spam.

    If it isn't in your spam box I'll try sending another one. And thanks for complimenting Tessa! :D


  13. @Bigcatsforever
    That's okay. Your not the first one!

    Yay! It finally worked! It automatically went to my trash... XD BTW, how much did the iPad cost? You must have got a lot of Christmas money...

    -geckoguy Animal Jam Community Author

  14. Oh, I don't know. Bigcats isn't being very rude, and well, Gecko needs to calm down some. Anyways, thanks for not posting bout you-know-what...

  15. bigcatsfoever (not singed in)January 11, 2012 at 3:16 PM

    ... I just think geckoguy was making a point. I guess I shouldn't comment on this blog anymore... :l

  16. bigcatsfoever (not signed in)January 11, 2012 at 3:24 PM

    I also think posting a page about twitter is very inappropriate because little kids might think they should join twitter and that's not right... Twitter has very inappropriate things.

  17. Slidoo (not signed in)January 11, 2012 at 3:42 PM

    Bigcatsforever, Twitter is a social network. I'm not a 'little kid' and it states clearly in Twitter's terms that you must be 13 or older to join OR have parental permission. A lot of good blogs (mainly for other VWs) have Twitters and I have almost 2000 followers there, it is a way to let people know what's happening, and if users look at my Twitter page, they won't find anything inappropriate. Also, parents should know what little kids are doing on the computer.

    Gecko: With apple care (warranty) it costed about $625, in Canada. I did purchase it at the Apple store, and I'd been saving up for a few months :P I also had a lot of babysitting money and stuff like that.


  18. Hey Slidoo. I'm going to DM you because I need to know what I should post (like catalog updates, etc.). And it's also perfectly fine, Bigcatsforever. Twitter has absolutely no inappropriate things set on it, it's who you follow. If you choose to follow somebody that posts bad things, that's your fault and you can unfollow. Also, you were not advertising, you were stating you had a blog. Lots of people do it, don't feel like you did something wrong. ;)

  19. animaljam os unsualy slow today wonder why and it is sooo laggy

  20. Whoa.. This new comment thing looks weird! Anonymous: I haven't been on AJ yet but I'll check it out...


  21. @Slidoo
    That's expensive! How old are you? And, I know, right? I couldn't figure out how to comment at first!

    I don't need to calm down. I was just stating the rules.

    No, no! Keep commenting! If you want, just ask and TheSlidoo will add your blog to the blogroll!

    1. I'm only 13 :P But I had a lot of money and nothing to do with it.


  22. Oh, and Slidoo, the "The Team" page isn't working anymore...

  23. Hey everyone! Check out my new Profile Pic! It's really a "G" for geckoguy if you look closely.

  24. LOL! Once I had a glitch like that with me clover blanket. BTW, I am Magical Canyonrose on Animal Jam, and I have a blog on this site called Animal Jam Awesomeness! Please add me, I am shaylayrules. AJ RULES!

  25. Oh yeah, TheSlidoo, can you add my blog Animal Jam Awesomeness to the blog roll?

  26. Hey! I know a clothing glitch! When you put a tie on a seal, the part that goes around their neck turns the colors of the patches on the "tie" part. For Example: Blue tie w/ orange patches turns the neck part orange on a seal.....

    Wow I took way much more time than i needed to explain that... AND I'm almost sure you know about this glitch already XD


  27. Hi i am a animal jam player HOW CAN YOU BE A MEMBER and WHERE CAN YOU BUY GIFT CARDS OF ANIMAL JAM IN QUEBEC?!?!? i dont know if they sell them here yet but pleae try to buddy me i am Dravensg on AJ so please answer me and try to buddy me,


    PS: i cant use my period it does not work sorry

  28. Lol! Does it work on other animals?

  29. COOL I will try that! ~Mansa123
