Animal Jam Community Reopening Party

Hi jammers!
As you probably know, Animal Jam has finally reopened after almost a  full year of being closed and we're off to a great restart! We now have 2 new authors and are getting 400-500 hits a day, and the traffic is increasing rapidly! I think this calls for a celebration!
Animal Jam Community's first ever party was posted on YouTube and now has over 6000 views... Why? I don't know!
It's time for AJC's second party ever, the official reopening party!
Animal Jam Community Re-Opening Party:
Date: Saturday, January 21st
Time: 2:00 Eastern Standard Time
Server: Draa
Starting Room: Appondale
Reason: To celebrate AJC reopening!
Host: Slidoo (TheSlidoo on Animal Jam)
So there you have it! Those are the official details to my party. I will be using the following animals at the party:
Remember, there may be some impersonators at the party claiming to be me, so if you aren't sure, click on my animal and if my username is "TheSlidoo" then that is me! I will be adding new friends until my list is full so make sure you send a request to me if you want to be my buddy! If I don't accept you, it means I am full and I will not delete anyone for you to be added so don't even bother asking me to. Also, remember to keep an eye out for new Animal Jam Community authors Swurve and geckoguy!
I hope to see you at AJC's party! 



  1. About time you started this blog back up! :D

  2. Wow... you would use the Club Penguin font in your logo! XD

  3. Yay! I hope I can come! :D

  4. Slidoo (not signed in)January 9, 2012 at 3:26 PM

    @Gecko that isn't the Club Penguin font :P The CP font is Bumbastika, the logo font is Bonk Fatty.


  5. Alright whatever... so basically it's the bold version of the CP font, right? I have the Bumbastika font on my computer... Also why is the domain still Does it expire tonight?

  6. It's actually a totally different font :P Nothing to do with the CP one. And the domain is still like that because technically expires today at midnight or tomorrow at midnight.


  7. I don't think I can make it :( I have another real party to go to, but maybe I have the time wrong!!

  8. Wowzers! I cannot wait for this party. It's going to be the best EVER!!!
    And congrats, Swure and geckoguy! You're gonna be awesome. :)

  9. I think I can make it. Hopefully i'll be a member this time. (I'm trying to get membership on AJ but it's not working!)

  10. um now at youtube there is 6735 viewers

  11. aww i missed the party :( i hope u had fun there anyway :)

  12. Slidoo is nm, I never new that well I hope it was a good party!!!
