The Importance Of Kindness - Life And Death In The Tongue

Hi guys! I hope you are having a great Tuesday afternoon! My afternoon has been kinda boring, but it's been nice. When my niece stayed with us for two month, I was wanted to be bored, because she kept me so so busy. XDD Sounds weird, but if you had to chase a little kid for two months and go back and forth to the hospital to visit your sister, you'd get it... hehe

Honestly, I'm a little nervous writing this post, but I feel it needs to be addressed. Let's get started!


Writing on AJC hasn't been as enjoyable as it used to be a year or two ago, because recently, I've been getting slammed with not-so-nice comments from anonymous's, that, in short, tell me to quit, and that my posts aren't good. And it's been putting a whole lot of stress on me, every time I click to look at the comments.

I'm not going to go into a whole lot of details, and I don't want this post to come off wrong at all. I'm not sure 100% who these anonymous people are, but above anything else, I'm not mad at whoever you all are. I'm not angry, and I forgive you. I just want to address the importance of kindness and respect. I know a lot of people think that if they aren't face to face with the person in real life, and if they say things through the internet that they're better off, and it's not as harsh, but it does have the same impact as if you were face to face. It's really hurtful, and stressful. I'm not saying this on behalf of just myself, and wanting my posts not to be spammed, I'm saying this on behalf of everyone. On behalf of this blog, my blog, other blogs, and the whole community. Kindness is so vital to having a strong community.

There's a lot of verses in the Bible that support kindness, and this particular verse says that God will show kindness to us, if we show kindness to him.

Romans 11:22

Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you will be cut off.

Please consider this. Choosing kindness is something we should all do, regardless of how we feel about the other person. Kindness and forgiveness are both biblical, and vital to a good community. I know this post might spark arguments, but you don't have to agree with me. We can agree to disagree, you can tell me your opinion, but please share your opinions in kind ways. Your words are powerful. Proverbs 18:21 says there is life and death in the tongue.

I'm going to leave the post at that, but I encourage you to watch the music video below. It's a song called Words by Hawk Nelson, that's basically a song about this very subject.

If you've left 20 comments, never commented before, I've met you, or never have met you, whoever you are, wherever you come from, I forgive you. I'm not mad at you. I'm not angry with you. I love you. Like, sincerely love you. Not because I have to, not because that's the right thing to do, I love you just for who you are. God loves you too. I love you, because he first loved us. He gives me the ability to do that. I really, really, really, love you, no matter what. ❤️


  1. I think there would be less if you posted about AJ

    1. also this was not suppose to be a negative comment ^ I'm just saying people seem to be unhappy with your non AJ posts lately.
      I have also noticed, even on your other blog (The AJFC) you have not responded back to any comments, I miss the days when you would interact with viewers more D:

  2. All we want is AJ related posts. Can’t you understand that? We just want good quality AJ posts, not these Bath and Body Works or Christian music posts. That’s not what this blog is for.

    1. You don't have to read HER posts if you don't like them.

    2. Please stop being her secretary... please.

    3. I agree with binx. There is no need to spread hate if you don’t even want to read something

    4. I'm not being her secretary.

  3. Aw I’m sorry about those comments. I wish that person would stop.

  4. I'm sorry about those disrespectful comments as well.
