A Long Awaited Return

Hey AJC viewers!
This is Penguin. I haven't posted on here in forever.
The reason why is because I simply lost interest in the game itself and blogging. I became busy with other things. Now school is starting.
However, just recently, I started getting back into blogging. I've been posting a lot on my blog, The Animal Jam Spring. It's about time I make this post now, though...
So, even though I have a lot of other things to keep up with, I'm back into blogging again. Why? Well, you can read this post. It's pretty much for the future itself. Anything can happen. There's a lot more to come for every one of us, so why not once again pursue blogging?
Anyways, this is not my day to post, and I realize it. I haven't really thought about posting on here for a while but I just did recently, and that's why I'm doing it now. This is pretty much an announcement post to let you all know I will continue posting here on Saturdays now! My posts will be similar to their old style with AJ news and updates.
I look forward to finally getting fully into blogging again. Hopefully you can read my posts! If you don't read my other blog, I guess you could say I've taken on a humorous and serious personality. I won't go into detail on that, though, lol. Until next Saturday though, that's all I have to say.


  1. It's wonderful to have you back Penguin!

    The blogger spirit is alive and well indeed! I just hope more people will realize it, haha!

    - Arctic

  2. Heyyyy, welcome back! It makes it feel like old times, when I first found the blog. :D

  3. I'm really happy you returned! I can't wait to read your posts again. :D

  4. It's great to have you back Penguin! ^.^
    *Husky Ninja
