The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag!

Why hewo there everybody!

I admit...

I totally forgot about my post for like the millionth time. XDD

I was packing for camp today, and it just slipped my mind... Oopsy.

Speaking of that, just a heads up, I'm not going to be on Animal Jam from Friday early afternoon, until Sunday late afternoon. I'm going camping with my church during that time! I'm sure it will go good (hopefully). It'll be good to unplug from electronics for a little while. I can't believe this is my third year of going.. Doesn't feel like it's been that long!

Anywho, without any further ado, let's get going with todays post!

I'm entitling this post, "The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag!". It is what the title is?
That didn't make sense.

I'm tired

Heres we goes


1. Top 10 favorite Christian bands/artists? (In order of how you like them)

We Are Messengers
Hawk Nelson
Micah Tyler
Tenth Avenue North
Jordan Feliz
Dan Bremnes

I could tell you more but... :) XDD

2. Exactly how many Christian concerts have you been to, and who was there?

That is why this is called "The Insanely Difficult Christian Music Tag". XDD

Ah, let's see... We gotta take this back since I was like 3. XDD

All in all, I've been to about... 6 or 7 concerts? When I was super little, I saw MercyMe and someone else in concert.. But I don't remember it like at all. I had to of been like 3 or 4 years old. XD 

Then I went to the Rock and Worship Christian Roadshow when I was a bit older. I believe Francesca Battestelli was there, and Family Force Five. There were other people, but I can't remember who. I think for KING & COUNTRY might of been there?

I went to Winter Jam, and that I don't remember too well.. Better than I do the roadshow though. I know Plumb was there, maybe Love & The Outcome, possibly Tenth Avenue North, and a bunch of other people... Those are the ones I slightly remember though. XD

I saw Big Daddy Weave, We Are Messengers, and Micah Tyler, on the Set Free Tour. I can't really remember a concert between that and Winter Jam... I'm sure my parents will tell me if I missed something once they read this. XD

Then the most recent concert I went to, was actually three concerts! It was Elevate 2018, held at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona. The first concert was on June 22nd, and the lineup for that night was Tenth Avenue North, Hawk Nelson, Plumb, Hannah Kerr, and Mallary Hope. On June 23rd, the lineup was... Oh dear, there were so many people I might have to pull up the lineup. XDD Phil Wickham, *pulls up lineup* Building 429, Jordan Feliz, Ryan Stevenson, Micah Tyler, Branan Murphy, Mia Koehne, and Justin Unger. I actually didn't really get to see Ryan Stevenson though, because everyone before him were at their merch tables, so we were meeting all of them. Then on June 24th, the lineup was for KING & COUNTRY, We Are Messengers, Jonny Diaz, Stars Go Dim, David Dunn, and For All Seasons! That was seriously the best concert I had ever been to, and I think my parents would agree.

3. Exactly how many Christian artists have you met? And who was it?

Uhhh... About 14? Jon from Hawk Nelson, I met everyone in Tenth Avenue North, Hannah Kerr, Mallary Hope, Micah Tyler, Branan Murphy, Mia Koehne, Justin Unger, Joel from for KING & COUNTRY, Darren from We Are Messengers, Jonny Diaz, Chris from Stars Go Dim, and David Dunn. I met them all in the matter of three days. (: XDD I met them all at Elevate this year.

4. What Christian artist would you like to see in concert next? (Or who would you like to see in concert again)

I really really really wanna see Dan Bremnes in concert. His music is so good! I'd like to see MercyMe in concert, because I don't remember seeing them in concert at all. And obviously, I'd love to see We Are Messengers in concert for the third time...

You guys: O.O Isn't two times enough???

Neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I shall keep on seeing them in concert until they break up.
At least
That's my goal.

5. What Christian artist would you like to meet?

Again, Dan Bremnes. He's kewl. XDD He went around the world in 8 days to 7 different countries with Jon. So that's pretty awesome.. Crowder would be pretty awesome to meet. But my only requirement is that he brings Kenny Rodgers.
Who's Kenny Rodgers?

It's a taxidermy (stuffed) arctic fox. It goes with David Crowder to every concert.

On Crowder's website, there's even Kenny Rodgers accessories...

A t-shirt...

A bandana...

A patch...

A stuffed animal...

A drink koozie...

And an air freshener.


I tag...

Anyone who wants to do this tag! Even if you haven't been to a Christian concert, you can still answer the other questions! Or you can see if your friends want to answer this tag!


Here's todays Bible verse!

2 Peter 3:18

Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

P.S. You have one more week to enter the summer fashion show! Click here to enter and read the rules.

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