Beta Party 2018!

Helloooo everybody! How are you guys doing? Unfortunately, I'm very tired today. At 7:30 AM this morning, I heard yelling outside, which really scared me since I had just woke up. I texted my mom asking why I heard yelling outside, and she didn't respond because her phone wasn't near her (which freaked me out even more). I found her in my dad's office looking out the window. This husband and wife across the street were yelling at each other, then they drove off together. o.O My mom almost called the police, but there wasn't any physical abuse going on, so she didn't. But it was for sure not the best way to wake up. I still have no idea what happened to those people, because they haven't been back to their house since then. It was super weird though.

Let's get started with today's post!

As you may or may not know, recently the beta party returned to Animal Jam! I love this party, mainly because of the background music. XD It's really cool every year seeing what Animal Jam looked like in the beta days! So today I'll be doing a short picture-walk-through of that.


This is the entrance to the party,

The inside of the building,


And downstairs where the shop is! I was wondering where all the people were. XD

When you click the rug with the treasure box on it,

The beta shop opens up! It's pretty much exactly the same stuff as last year.

And this is the second page of the shop!

I'm not too thrilled with this party this year, since it's basically the exact same thing again. Last year they added a few new items, but not this year for some reason. Hopefully as time goes on they'll add some more items before the party is gone!

What do you think of the beta party this year? What's your favorite party on Animal Jam? Be sure to comment down below your thoughts!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Galatians 5:13

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters ... use your freedom to serve one another in love.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

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