My Last Post...

........Until July 3rd

Huehuehue I got you didn't I?

Helloooooo guys! How are y'all doing today?

Sadly, this will be my last post until July 3rd. I'm going on vacation from June 19th - June 26th, which are both Tuesdays. So, Coolcat will be covering my blog posts on those days! Thank you sooo much for being willing to do that, Coolcat! I really don't know what I would do without you. ^.^

Also, Housemom418 will be covering my post on June 21st on my blog, AJFC, and Housemom322 will be covering my post on June 24th, also on my blog, AJFC.

I'm super excited for this vacation we're going on though. We're going to a Christian concert! And yes, We Are Messengers is gonna be there! I'm super excited about that, especially since they have a new album coming out sometime in the fall, so they've been singing some new songs at concerts. Also while we're on this vacation, we're going to be visiting family! I've been looking forward to this trip for months.

But probably the best part of it all, is that we got meet and greet tickets to see two bands! One of which is We Are Messengers. I'm soooooooo excited. XD

Anywaaaaays, enough about that, let's get on with today's post!

Today I decided I'd highlight some great Christian masterpieces I've seen around Jamaa!


One day I was in Aldan, and I was asking around to see if anyone had this one item I wanted, and at the end of what I was saying, I said, "God bless!", and this girl, brotato23, saw me saying that, and sent me this masterpiece!

I really love this masterpiece. It's true, it may seem like God is distant, but really, He's right next to us, just wanting for us to call on Him.

This is actually brotato23's friend! I love the little flowers in the bottom corner.

This is a masterpiece my good friend, Housemom418 gave me recently. The first part of it is lyrics from one of my favorite songs, Giants Fall, by guess who We Are Messengers! I thought this was just so sweet. The last part really almost made me cry, the part that says, "Gracie.. NEVER let your giants hold onto you, let them FALL". I struggle with anxiety a lot, so this really mean't a lot to me. Thank you so much for this, House!

Another masterpiece by brotato23! Jesus is the light of the world. ^.^

This comes from Matthew 10:31 (KJV)! I love passage in scripture, because it really just shows how much God cares for us. And Matthew 10:30 says how each one of our hairs is numbered. It's so amazing to see just how much God loves, and cares about every little detail of our lives.

This comes from John 1:16!

Aaand this is the chorus from the song, Remain, by Royal Tailor! And if you don't know Royal Tailor broke up a while back, and now the frontman, Tauren Wells, is on his own solo journey!

A cross masterpiece by one of the authors on here, Sarahkey8! I really love the simplicity of this masterpiece. It's super cute!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Ephesians 6:13

Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

If you're a new Christian, you might be a little confused on what God's armor is. If you want to read about what it is, click here!

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun on your trip Gracie! Those are great masterpieces!
