Miracle On Wheels

Me: I miei capelli sono belli, così belli...ou
You guys: Gracie what are you say- wait... *Whispers to each other*
Me: Cosa stai sussurrando?
You guys: We'll translate what she's saying... ):) *Pulls up Google Translate*
You guys: *Puts it on detect language* So you're speaking Italian.. The first thing you said was 'My hair is beautiful, so beautiful', then you said 'What are you whispering?', and just now you said 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' (:
Me: Perché devi tradurre tutto ciò che dico?
You guys: We have to translate everything because we don't know every single language, like apparently you do.
Me: You don't know Italian?!
You guys: No, and neither do you. You're using Google Translate.
Me: O yeah..
You guys: Yeah..
Me: So.. :D What should we do an intro about now?
You guys: Gracie, please just post.
Me: Okieeee


Hellooooo guys! As you can tell, I'm running out of intros to do.. XD

Anyways, let's get going with today's post, which is un-AJ related. This is something I really wanted to share with you guys, plus I couldn't think of any Animal Jam subjects to post about. Sorry about that. DX


So if you read my post on Thursday on AJFC (if not, you can read it by clicking here), you might of remembered that I said how we were having really bad car problems. Well, an amazing story has come out of all that.

On Friday night, my mom was looking on websites for cars. We were thinking we would probably have to get a used car, because new cars cost so much money. Before we left for Bible study, my mom was looking on this one website that sells used cars. All the sudden, my moms computer shut down. So she took a break at looking for cars, and tried turning her computer back on. After we got home from Bible study, my mom looked at something, and came across a Chevrolet Cruze, which was right in our price range. It actually used to be a loaner car, and only had 2,000 miles on it. We decided we would go look at it on Saturday morning.

We get there, and there was an employee standing there, and my mom was wearing her Good News Club shirt (if you don't know what Good News Club is, you can read about it here). The lady asked her what Good News Club is, and she explained that we go into schools, and teach kids about Jesus. She thought that was super cool!

Her boss came over, and said that she would be the one that would be showing us the car. We go outside and she goes over some of the electronic features, then my parents test-drove the car. While they did, my mom explained how my dad's a pastor, and they talked about that for a while. After the test-drive, we headed back inside the lady's office to do paperwork about our van we would be trading in, and paperwork to get the car! But my mom noticed something. The price was different on the paper than it was online. Online it was 13,999, but the price they had was 15,999. The lady gets her boss, and he was completely bewildered. The price was not supposed to be 13,999. He couldn't find anywhere on the computer where it said 13,999. My dad pulled up the webpage they found the car on, and the guy looked at it. He let us have the car for 13,999, and said that it was some sort of 'glitch'.

As he walked out, he said, "You really lucked out." My mom smiled, and told the sales lady, "No, we're blessed."

It was like everything unfolding right in front of us. God orchestrating His amazing plans right there. We wouldn't be able to afford a car for 15,999. God worked an amazing miracle, and let us get the car for 13,999. That 'computer glitch' was simply just God's perfect plan. Not a mistake. And everything afterward was just like God orchestrating everything together. It turns out the sales lady came from a broken home, and she had to move out when she was 15. We got to share with her about our church, and I'm hoping one day she comes. She was saying that the only thing that got her through her situation at home was her faith. She said she leans more Christian, but she said that she isn't going to a church.

Then after all the paperwork was done, my mom only had to pay a little bit for our van to be towed over to Chevy, because our insurance covered most of the expense.

And when my moms computer shut down, that just seems like a sign from God, that we weren't supposed to be looking on there, because it wasn't God's plan for us.

It's amazing how when we wait patiently on God, His incredible plan will unfold right in front of us. As it says in Romans 8:28,


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


When we were heading over to Hyundai to get our stuff out of the car, my dad said how if you haven't seen God working in these sorts of ways, are you truly seeking after Him?

Think about that this week. If you aren't seeing God work in your life at all, look over your relationship with God. Are you truly seeking Him? Or is your relationship with God just merely "I go to church and that's pretty much it."?

God wants you to have a relationship with Him, and for you to truly seek Him. What's stopping you from it?


God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!

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