My Chicken Smoothie Pet Looks at Animal Jam

Hello Jammers! Today's post is going to be a bit different, I'm letting my chicken smoothie pet, Flash Jr. do the post!

If you don't know what Chicken Smoothie is, its basically an online game where you can draw, adopt pets, dress up pets, and trade pets and items! Its a very fun game, it doesn't sound very fun, but is VERYYY ADDICTING! And a lot of bloggers and Animal Jammers play it! 

Without further ado, Flash Jr! 
Hello Jammers! My name is Flash! Jr.
You guys: Isn't jr for boys?..
Flash: IDK?!

Anyways, Sarah told me about this game called Animal Jam, and said there is a new update. So I thought I'd check it out! 

Animal Jam
Saber Tooth Tigers extinct?
This is weird..
Uhm, okay?
I guess we sorta have saber tooths in Chicken Smoothie 
But if you check the front page, you will notice something..

It'ts like... a cougar and snow leopard combined with teeth,, also it looks weird...  
Enough about that, I think they will look cool in game!   
Okay, next page..
This looks cool! I am so happy Spring is FINALLY here, its still a bit chilly where Sarah lives though, what does picturesque mean... I didn't have school on CS.. anyways this den looks super pretty! 
The April Fools party! I love April Fools on AJ, I wonder if the Saber Tooth tiger is a joke though, they once kinda did this with a doodoo bird 
Image result for animal jam doo doo bird
I love the Spring frame! It looks so pretty <3 
That's cool! The Peck looks kinda weird, but cute!
Ooh, an egg hunt! On Chicken Smoothie, everyone just looks for the banners around on the forums! 
And its super fun! I want to try hunting for some eggs on Animal Jam though, I always love spring stuff!
And Sarah said nature items on Animal Jam are normally super pretty! 
Wind Armor! With PUNS!  
And do the mannequins mean you can hang items on them and make an item store?..
Wow, that is cool! Its goes through 3 stages, kind of like on Chicken Smoothie when the pets are growing up :o  They should add more Eggstravy pets on AJ, its been a while! 
And.. can..
can you wear an egg on your head?
Wait just a minute AJ..
When you did these
you said they were a ONE TIME only deal!?!?!? 
What is wrong with you. 
I want that one
with the tongue  sticking out:)
Thats going to have to be all Chicken Smoothians! 

*comes back with a cookie*
How'd she do?
You guys: Congratulations Sarah, you have a normal pet.   
Me: A lot of my Chicken Smoothians are normal..

Have a good day! 


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