Draw Your Favorite Scene Art Tag

Me: :does weird old lady laugh: 
You guys: Huh? Ja?
Me: Oh, hello there Kings and Queens 
You Guys: Kings and queens? What are you talking about? 
Me: Isn't it Good to be alive
You Guys: Why are you talking like that!?
Me: Oh I don't know, it's beyond me
You Guys: Um could you just get on with the post?
Me: Oh I started it awhile ago I was Up all night writing it
You Guys: Then where is it? 
Me: I think it's Living for the other side 
You Guys: What is the other side? :gaps: You tubing?
Me: Don't worry, You'll never be alone 
You Guys: That's what we're afraid of
Me:  When I'm with you you always enjoy it I know you do 
You guys: No we don't 
Me: Oh that hurt but I'm determined to Get back up again 
You Guys: Are you being Ann Wither from Studio C?!
Me: Yes Priceless isn't it? 
You Guys: But your not naming books your doing song names? 
Me: Unbelievable right? 
You Guys: Is this intro almost done?
Me: It's not over yet 
You Guys: Oh boy, how much more is there?
Me: Your not having a Good time?
You Guys: No so please just stop and get on with the post PLEASE!
Me: Alright I'll do What you want 
You Guys: Thank you
Me: So Let's go into the post 
You Guys: Help us please ....

Well that intro seemed, Longer then a lifetime :snickers: 
You Guys: JA! 
Ack! Sorry!
Last week Sarah tagged me for the Draw Your Favorites Scene Tag

1. What scene would you draw?
This is super hard to pick just one o,o
I'm trying to think of movies ... 
Of courses Lord of The Rings and Maze Runner pops up first (and then I can Only imagine cuz I really wanna see that) 
Maybe this! MR FRODO!
Image result for lotr rivendell

2. Why this particular scene?
I love the background <3

3. What do you think the easiest part would be?
:looks at picture: 
O,O ahhhh the mountains?

4. What do you think the hardest part would be?
The buildings in the backround

5. What would be the funnest part to draw?
The palace with is the part Frodo is standing

6. Will you ever get to drawing this scene?
In 50 years like Sarah said 

Sorry this post is so short 
But don't worry This isn't the end 
You Guys: Now we're really scared. 
Me: ;) 

*Husky Ninja 

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