A Very Important Note to All You Folks

Hey Jammers, Arctic here!

I wanted to have a bit of real talk with you guys.

Life is getting pretty busy nowadays for me, and I find myself posting less and less which is not something I'm proud about.

I've gotten involved in some pretty great music programs which take up a lot of my spare time. I recently made it into a band program that will be doing frequent shows around my city starting next week. I also auditioned for a program that may take me to the US to tour the country during the summer. Preparation for these things has made me very tired and oftentimes forgetful of other things. However, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than this. Making friends has been something I've been having a bit of trouble with in the past, but this is something I'm extremely happy about - I belong somewhere!

In addition to this, my new semester has brought an increased workload. I don't understand math the way I do other things. It's been very difficult for me. Any time that I have is spent trying to figure out math- I just don't seem to get it. Any leftover time is spent with music.

But don't get me wrong. I will not quit blogging. I will continue working hard, and I will try my very best to balance my life with this blogger life. All of you have been here for me in difficult times, and blogging here is something that has helped me so so much.

I understand my spottiness when it comes to posting schedules can be frustrating. I understand that many of you wonder where I am, or why I've forgotten to post. I get frustrated with this too. I wish I had more time. I'm going to make more time. I will do this, I promise.

Thank you everyone for your continued support. I'm going to do this.

Since a Sundae is what you probably came for, here are two scoops of a Sundae:

In cartoons, animals frequently have eyebrows. I never realized how funny they look in real life!

Forget whack-a-mole, how about tap a cat?

That's all for now everyone! I know this post was definitely not as lighthearted as usual, but it's something I really needed to say.

Thank you!


  1. It’s okay Arctic, we all understand. Everyone has a life behind the computer. Good luck with your music though!

  2. It's completely understandable Arctic! School and stuff like that can just completely get in the way, in fact that is why most bloggers quit, because their life behind the screen is getting in the way, good luck with your music! I am sooo glad you are not quitting (At least when you do quit, we can still keep in contact with hangouts ^.^)
