Jammer Sundae #103

Hello Jammers, how are you all doing today? I've got a busy month coming up- in a great way! Tons of exciting new things are happening!

Anywho, I'm here with another Jammer Sundae! Let's get on with it!

This week I thought I'd just compile the weird and wonderful of the Animal world. Let's do this!

First, did you know that wet sloths are TERRIFYING? Yikes!

Ah, winter. This deer slipping on the ice is EXACTLY what I face everyday:


Just... a little further...

found in the depths of pinterest
Going for a bit of an ambitious prey this time:


A bit of a misunderstanding:

Oh look, an extra photo! That's alright haha, more fun! Now for the factual part of the post:

Our word of the day:

Dubious: Having doubt

Don't be dubious about your own abilities!
Our fact of the day:

You can cure hiccups by sticking your fingers in your ears for a few seconds.

Don't quote me on this one, I'm not quite sure! If you do try it- be careful, and please wash your hands after!

That's all for today! See you later!