How Observant Are You? *Challenge*

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post. I will be covering for Gracie this week because she is getting over being sick. Get well soon, Gracie!

So for todays post I thought it would be perfect to start a new challenge! What is the challenge you may ask? I thought it would be a fun idea to see how observant everyone is! So for this weeks challenge, I challenge everybody to count and see how many dogs you can find!

To better explain myself, when ever you are out and about, count how many dogs you see! Whether you see a dog in someone's car while driving to the store, or you see someone walking their dog down the road, or you see a dog while on a walk.

There will be a few rules though, and here they are.

What does NOT count:

Seeing a dog from inside your house, like your neighbor walking their dog in front of your house.

What DOES count:

Walking in your neighborhood and seeing your neighbor walking their dog.

 The challenge will be over when I make my weekly post next Monday. When I make my post next Monday, comment down below how many dogs you saw!  Whoever sees the most dogs this week wins!

Comment down below if you will be participating in this challenge. I will not announce a winner next week until everyone who is participating has commented on how many dogs they saw. I will not update my post next week with a winner until everyone has commented their number.

 I will also keep track of how many dogs I see this week. I anticipate that I will see many dogs this week, since I will be making several trips to the vet for my pets check-up.

I hope you enjoyed todays post! Don't forget to comment down below if you will be participating!!

Here is todays verse.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." -James 1:5

Bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~