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Yes, that is Rare Item Monday spelt backwards. (: I wasn't sure what to do as a title, and Custard said that I should spell Rare Item Monday. Thank you, Custard! XD

Hellooooo Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here, covering for Coolcat! Unfortunately, Coolcat's cat went missing recently, and her and her family have been trying to find her cat. Praying you guys can find her, Coolcat! 🙏

Today's RIM is,


The Rare Jamaaliday Sweater!

It's located on the 8th page in Jam Mart clothing, is for sale for 1,250 gems, and the color scheme is green, blue, red, and white!

On a scale of 1/10, I think I would give this RIM a 5. It's not my favorite to be honest.

I did try and make an outfit out of it though,

I feel like the colors are all over the place in my outfit. XD

What do you think of todays RIM? Be sure to comment down below your thoughts!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Ephesians 6:13

Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

Stay positive, be yourself, and spread God's Word everyday!


  1. Hi! I'm new to this blog (I followed a link from one of the other blogs I read) and I can tell that there's multiple authors, but there wasn't an about page that I could find to tell me who! Mind informing me? :D


    1. Hi! Thanks for checking out Animal Jam Community! ^.^ To my knowledge, the authors are,
      FireSpiritAJ from time to time

      And myself! Hope you enjoy the AJC! :)

      Remember, God made YOU!
