Rare Item Monday + Question Of The Day!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! Before I continue I want to wish everybody a happy December! Does anybody have any special plans before Christmas? Comment down below if you do!

But for now lets start with todays question of the day.

QOTD: Do you have a fake or real Christmas tree?

AOTD: I have a fake one. I don't believe my family has ever had a real Christmas tree before!

Don't forget to comment down below your answer! Now lets get on with todays Rare Item Monday.

Todays Rare Item Monday is the Rare Snowflake Crown!

Thoughts: I really love this weeks Rare Item Monday! It is super cute and stylish. Its perfect for any Christmas outfit! I think the purple, blue, and white colors really mix well together. And I love the falling snowflakes on the crown! That adds a wonderful festive touch.

Overall I rate this weeks Rare Item Monday a 10! Comment down below what you think of todays Rare Item Monday. Here is todays verse.

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." - Romans 1:16

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. Happy December! For Christmas, my grandparents come down for Christmas, and then we would go out for brunch after we opened presents. To me, that's special. I have two trees, one that has always been fake, the smaller one, and the bigger one, ever since last year, has been fake. The Rare Snowflake Crown is cute and stylish. Its perfect for any winter outfit in general. Purple, blue, and white mix well together. The snowflakes add a finishing, festive, touch.

  2. We don't do Christmas trees :P
    We just don't have enough room. XD
    *Husky Ninja
