Jammer Sundae #101!

Greetings Jammers, Arctic here!

We've broken into the triple digits for Sundaes! Last week we had our 100th Sundae - isn't that crazy? *sneezes* Uuulugh. I think I might be getting sick again! I sure hope not- this is a really important week coming up for me, haha!

Let's get into the Sundae now, shall we?

This week we'll just see what happens!

Did you just.. You didn't:

HelLO? Anyone thErE?

There are two kinds of people:

Such support!


And now it's time for the factual part of this post!

Our word of the day:

Fortitude: Strength of mind

Go through all you do with fortitude!

Our fact of the day:

The smallest country in the world is Vatican City!

I just think it's so crazy how diverse the sizes of countries can be!

That's all for today my friends, see you around!

See you soon!

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