Jammer Sundae #95!

Greetings Jammers, Arctic here! How are you all doing today?

Phew! It's been a busy week, and I have an even busier one coming up! I love the weekends - it gives me a break from the bustle of school life!

Now, let's get on to our Jammer Sundae, shall we?

Much to my disappointment, Summer has come to an end. Things are starting to get colder and colder! Though, that DOES mean Christmas is getting nearer... Anywho! To prepare myself for the oncoming chilliness, this week we'll be doing animals that live in cold climates!

When you show up to an event and you aren't dressed for the occasion:


"I didn't know tuxedos were the dress code!"

Next, these delightfully dim-witted penguins and their schemes:


Secret dragons!

And finally, these graceful beauties:


Haha, that's all for this Sundae!

And now, time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Congenial: (of a person) Pleasant to be around

I find you all to be very congenial people!

Our fact of the day:

Bolts of lightning can shoot out of an erupting volcano!

credit where credit is due (sorry I couldn't find the original source!)

That's so metal! But also extremely terrifying! Makes me glad to live FAR away from any volcanos!

That's all for this week folks, see you soon!


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