Rare Item Monday!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here, filling in for Coolcat, since she is unable to post today. Last night her power went out, I'm not sure if it's still out. Please keep her and her family in your prayers! 😊🙏

Let's get going with this weeks Rare Item Monday post, shall we?

The RIM is located on the 14th page in Jam-Mart-Clothing, and is being sold for 900 gems each!

I thought I'd try to make a look with this Rare Floppy Hat, and show you guys what items you need to make this look as well!

All you need is the following,

Rare Floppy Hat - Jam-Mart-Clothing
Pink Jamaaliday Scarf - Jamaaliday Gifts (seasonal)
Purple Arm Cuffs - Jam-Mart-Clothing
Pink Elf Tail Armor - Diamond Shop

If you don't have a pink Jamaaliday Scarf, you could use a pink Ribbon Scarf, that's sold in Jam-Mart-Clothing. ^.^

For these outfits, I always start off with a color pallet based off of the main item I want to feature in the outfit. For this, I started with purple as my first color, and white as my second. Then since there's some pink in the hat, I used pink as my eye color. Then I chose items that match the color pallet!

Feel free to make this outfit for yourself, or try putting your own spin on it, using different colors of the items shown above, and a matching color pallet!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Psalm 47:1

Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!

I know during these hurricanes, fires, and earthquakes, it may seem hard to find a reason to praise God. But even through the hard times, take a moment to reflect on the good things that have happened. I'm sure all of us can find a reason to praise God. ^.^

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.

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