Jammer Sundae #90!

Hey Jammers, Arctic here!

First, I'd like to apologize for not posting on the AJFC on Friday! I was having a struggle with the internet, and things didn't work out!

Anywho, we're back again with another Jammer Sundae post! Let's do this!

This week we'll dabble around and do a bit of everything!

*wheeeze* GET IT?!

*frantic snickering*




*gets pelted by lemons*


I'M SORRY IT SOMEHOW ALL BECAME PUNS *gets hit by even more lemons*

Our word of the day:

Cordate: Heart shaped

I say, would you take a look at those lovely cordate perennials?

Our fact of the day:

That's all for this week folks! See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I love the seal one!! Cause seals are AMAZING AND I LOVE SEALSSSS:)
