Rare Item Monday! + Recycle Challenge! (Epic Fail)

Hey, Jammer's! Its CoolCat here with another post! Before we get onto this weeks Rare Item Monday, I would like to share my results of the recycle challenge!

I failed big time. I didn't even reach 20,000 gems. It turns out to be a lot harder then it looks like! But it did help me get rid of extra items, and to get extra gems!

 I recycled 23 clothing items and got 13,345 gems in return. And then I recycled 15 den items and I got 2,250 gems in return. I would say that is an epic fail!

How did you do? Did you get over 20,000 gems? Did you get over 50,000 gems? Let me know down below in the comments!

Now onto this weeks Rare Item Monday!

This weeks Rare Item Monday is the Rare Nunchucks!

This weeks Rare Item Monday is surprisingly in Coral Canyons Epic Wonders. It can be found on the fourth page in the clothing store. It is for sale for 4,500 gems and it is members only. The colors of this item is purple, red, and green.


I am honestly not a big fan of this weeks RIM, and the colors are just off for me. Although I like the concept, I think its the random colors and the prices that do it for me.  I guess it could be used to role play in the forest, but good luck trying to make a warrior outfit with it. Its going to be priced at 4,500 gems and have random colors? No thanks. Non members, you aren't missing out!

Overall I give this weeks Rare Item Monday a 4. Comment what you think!

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

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