Jammer Sundae #84

EDIT: This post as now been updated to include the daily item!

*peeks in*
*scuttles away*

You guys: HEY, WE SAW YOU!
Me: Shhhh~ you saw nothing! *continues to sneak away*
You guys: *grabbing me* WE CAUGHT YOU. GET UP AND POST!

That was... Something. Anyway...

Hey Jammers! How are you? 

It's been crazy hot here lately. So hot, in fact, that a can of shaving cream almost exploded in my house. It was terrifying! I opened up the door, and there it is - swelling and hissing and bubbling and gaining size! And then - okay, so this isn't relevant to the post. Sorry about that guys - I think you get the point!

Today we have a returning item in stores. Behold, the giant magnet! I'm not quite sure what you could use this for, but I'm pretty sure that there are loads of creative uses for it if you think about it!

Also, a quick reminder! Today is the LAST DAY to get all your panda items before they go out of stores, so go pick those up as soon as you can!

And now, it is time for the Jammer Sundae:

What to do~ Hmm... How about we just see how this goes?

Hehehehe, puns:

Sometimes art doesn't come out exactly the way we want it to:


Aha~ so cute!

The resemblance is actually quite close!

That's all for this Jammer Sundae! And now for the factual part of the post:

Our word of the day:

Incendiary: Flammable

Now, I don't know when you guys would ever use this... but it's a pretty fancy word!

Our fact of the day:

Chewing gum while you cut onions can help keep you from crying.

I'm not sure if this is true... Anyone wanna fact check it?

That's all for this week, my friends! See you later!

Send me a lemon at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !


  1. I feel like I saw the last one somewhere before

    1. It's a pretty cute and popular photo, so you might have seen it!

      - Arctic

  2. the 2nd last one tho... One time my fat cat (Smokey) somehow got under the tv XD
