Rare Item Monday!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! I'm sorry for missing last weeks post, things were kind of hectic and I just forgot. But I'm back to posting this week! But anyways, lets get onto this weeks Rare Item Monday!

Todays Rare Item Monday is the Rare Firefly Necklace! It is located in Coral Canyons Epic Wonders. It can be found on the seventh page. It is for sale for 2,750 gems and it is for members only. The color scheme is blue, green, and yellow.

Thoughts: I really like this item! This is the first RIM that has not been in Jam-Mart Clothing in such a long time! Its actually quite exciting for a RIM to be in a different place. I think AJHQ should move the RIM around more often! It can be boring having it in the same place week after week, so this is a very nice change! I think this is a cute item perfect for summer! The colors are nice, and its just a great item! I don't think its that pricy, its epic wonders after all. Overall I give this item a 9!

Comment down below what you think about this item!!

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

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