Hiring New Authors!

Greetings Jammers, Arctic here!

As you may have guessed by the title, I have decided that it is about time that the AJC hired some new authors! Unfortunately, we have lost a few due to quitting, and I have lost contact with others! Thus, we are opening applications for: Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
This means that a maximum of 3 new authors could win!

Here's what you need to qualify:

1. Tell me a bit about yourself. Just the basic facts - no ages or anything needed. What are your hobbies/interests? Why would you make a good author? Why should you be hired?

2. Write a sample post for me. Pretend you're an author for the AJC. How would you address the readers? Be sure to add a creative flair and make your own! The more interesting you are, the more people will want to read (and the better your chances are of getting in!). If you already post on another blog, or have had prior blogging experience - let me know by linking it!

3. Be sure to tell me which day(s) you can post on, and your preference. For instance, you could say: "It would be preferable if I could post on Wednesdays, but Thursdays are alright too."

4. Remember you must have a blogger or google plus account, and an email I can contact you by. I won't be able to qualify you otherwise! Make sure you tell me what your email is so I can reach you. If you don't want to share your email where people can see it, sending your application privately by email might the best choice.

5. You can submit your applications through email (contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com ) or the comments below. I might also open up applications through the AJ Amino so we can get more viewers!

6. I can't wait to hear from you all! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Applications are due by May 17th and the winners will likely be announced May 21st

Good luck!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !


  1. Me send me email Arctic. :P
    *King Tough Bunny

  2. AWESOME! :D I just sent mine in :)

  3. Good luck, future authors! Can't wait to see whose chosen ^.^

    Remember, God made YOU!

  4. Oh wow! :O If I didn't already have a blog and wasn't crazy busy, I would jump at this chance!! Good luck, everyone!!!

  5. WOW COOL! This would be super cool for anyone if they get picked! I would like to enter but I'm not going to :) Best of luck to everyone!

    1. Actually, I might try! Maybe, I don't really do anything, So this could be really cool! I'll think about it. :D

    2. Well.... Maybe not, I honestly don't know :P :I

  6. I can't wait to see who gets picked, *squeals* Goodluck everyone!

  7. I wish I could. Too late though D:
