Egyptian Hat, Rare Summer Carnival Items and Secret in Beach House Den

Hey guys!
My computer has been laggy and day and glitching out. However, I think it is finally getting better now. I have a lot of things to share with you guys in this post.
First of all, here is the new item in stores:
I just recently realized that some of the Summer Carnival items this year have changed. Not in design, but color. The original colors from last year are no longer there, and they now have rare tags.
I bet that those colors are now becoming rare.
Finally, I'd like to share with you all the new secret item in AJHQ's latest display den. On the top floor of the Beach House, you'll find this:
Click on the couch, and you can buy it!
I don't have anything else to share in this post, so that's the end. I hope it was helpful and I'll see you all next time!

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