Rare Item Monday! Jam-Mart Clothing Count: 2

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! It feels like I just did the RIM post, this week went by fast! But I hope everyone had a great week! I also wanted to say happy spring! Who's excited? I know I am! Does anybody have any spring plans? Comment down below if you do! But anyways, lets get onto todays Rare Item Monday!

Todays Rare Item Monday is the Rare Glove Hat! It is yet again located in Jam-Mart Clothing, making this weeks Jam-Mart Clothing Count 2. I will be continuing this each week, or as long as AJHQ put the weekly RIM there.. But here is more about this weeks RIM.

It can be found on the ninth page in Jam-Mart Clothing. It is for sale for 900 gems and it is members only. The color of the glove is yellow.

Thoughts: I don't know why but I think this glove is a hilarious item! Like who doesn't want to walk around with a giant glove on their head? The glove is a nice color which is great as well! But I do think this was over priced. It should have been 600 gems at the most in my opinion. But this one RIM I did buy!

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! Make sure you comment down below if you like this weeks RIM!

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

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