Rare Item Monday! *Bad Comedy*

Hey, Jammers! CoolCat here with another post! And I'm back with todays Rare Item Monday! Animal Jam has decided to make my job easier this week, by putting todays Rare Item Monday in the first place I looked! So lets get started!

Todays Rare Item Monday is the Rare Heart Earmuffs! It is located in Jamaa Townships Jam-Mart Clothing. It is also on the ninth page. They are being sold for 900 gems and are members only. The color scheme of this weeks item is pink and a pale yellow.

I really LOVE this item! See what I did there..? Love...?

 But really its perfect for valentines day! The colors work wonderful together and its just super cute! It is pretty pricey though. But for me I feel its worth it! I would buy a pair, but I have no space.

*Hint, hint AJHQ, hint, hint, hint. Clothing items need more slots too!*

So that's it for this week! Make sure you tune back in next Monday to see what AJHQ has thought of!

 I'm sure we all will LOVE it!

Did you catch I did it again? Okay, okay.

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED the color scheme of this weeks RIM! 😉

    I also think AJHQ should give us more clothing slots. I think we'd all LOVE it. 😉


    Remember, God made YOU!
