It Might Be About Time for a Change

Greetings, friends, it's Arctic, back again with another post ~ except a bit different this time.

I've had a certain nagging thought for a long time, but I'm not entirely sure if I should really listen to it or not. Now, you might be wondering what this thought was, you clever Jammers, you!

I confess, I have been thinking about leaving Animal Jam. Now before I worry or confuse any of you, I haven't entirely decided quite yet.

For the past few months, at least, I haven't been nearly as active on Animal Jam as I used to be, and I haven't been enjoying my time online nearly as much as I'd used to. I suppose it is getting near time, too, as I've held out for so long! I believe this is my fifth year playing the game, and my third on this blog. Since I'm in High School now, it's getting increasingly difficult to find time to post, and, all of my in-life friends have long since quit AJ as well.

I've been thinking about writing this post for quite some time now, but I've always seemed to stop myself, as though I were clinging to something. But what? Many of my original AJ buddies are no longer around anymore, AJ is becoming increasingly different, and I'm not feeling a strong connection as I once did. I no longer trade, I spend less and less time on AJ with each passing day. Yet something mysterious has compelled me to keep logging on, and keep posting. But what?

After a while, I figured it out. It's all the memories I have made. From my first days discovering Animal Jam, to when Slidoo first accepted my author submission, to the first Sundae, to all the friends I'd made along the way. I'd never had quite such an amazing experience, and I've been deathly afraid of letting it go. In many ways my Animal Jam friends and experiences are like real life because of how greatly they've shaped and impacted me. I have a tendency to hold on to things I love as if they're all I have left. That, combined with my hatred of saying goodbye have made writing this post, a lot harder.

We've all been through a lot together. Good times and bad times, great jammers and awful scammers, thick and thin. These experiences have truly shaped us as individuals, and it doesn't matter whether you've been with me since the start, or only recently - we're in this journey together! I have all you wonderful readers to thank. Thank you for some of the best years of my life.

A fear of change dominates my life. I fear loss. I fear the end of a great story, or at least a wonderful chapter of my life. But really, a great story never ends - there's always something new on the next page.

Now again, I have not entirely made my choice. I might just be in a sentimental mood, and might decide against it. It might be a temporary hiatus. I'm not sure yet, but whatever happens I won't leave you all hanging. If I decide to stay - excellent, let the good times roll! If I decide otherwise, I will make sure to set all affairs in order before taking my leave. Worry not, Jammers, as either way this isn't quite the end!

Thank you for a wonderful time, Jammers! See you next week!

Feel free to contact me at !


  1. Even though this decision is not finalized, the thought saddens me that you may be leaving.

    I'll always remember when we first met, and how you always stayed a loyal friend to me :).

    I really would miss you, along with your Jammer Sundaes, that are always irreplaceable. I would miss your joy, your love for your friends, and just everything about you.

    Though, we all do grow out of AJ, whether at a young age, or an older age.

    But, even if you do leave, I will always remember you and the conversations we have had, and forever treasure my Arcticstar masterpiece, of which I love so much.

    Whatever choice you make, I'm here for you. Offline or online, you'll forever be in my heart, and I'll be praying for you.

    But one thing that pondered me throughout reading this post, is how are you going to choose new authors if you leave?

    I know it's strange, but it just made me curious. XD

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. Sorry I almost cried reading these comments XD

    2. Gracie couldn't have said it better. You're blog is what made Gracie want to blog, and then that's what made me want to blog. I do completely get not wanting to let the memories go, I feel the same way. If you decide you want to stay, I'm looking forward to many more blog posts by you! And if you decide this chapter of you're life is coming to a close, thank you for the wonderful times, opportunities, and memories!

      With love, ~CoolCat~ ��

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks for the kind words everyone! It really means a lot to me!~

      Gracie, if I do decide to quit, I'd still stick around to manage the blog - hire new authors, delete rude comments, and generally manage the blog.

      - Arctic

  2. As much as it hurts to say (type) this, and since you're a High School student, you should probably quit or take a break from AJ.
    It's been 5 years since you first started jamming, and, let's face the facts, Animal Jam can be either boring or addictive. But one thing is for sure, it's not a very ''healthy'' game. It's not just a game.
    I've only been playing since very late 2014, took a quite long break and returned on March 2015. I do love AJ and I'm not going to quit, at least not anytime soon, but, from personal experience, AJ can really affect your life.

  3. Hello again, Arctic. I read your reply on the other post.

    I apologise I haven't been visiting much in the past, but I'm glad you're alright.

    Well, Arctic, a lot of bloggers have quit, and actually returned. I'm more of the hiatus-type. I often go into hiatuses when exams approaches. Personally, I enjoy blogging so I won't let it drop, but each person has their own reason, so even if you quit, I respect you decision, but you will be missed.

    Have a nice day, and I wish you the best on school.

    1. Thanks for the comment!

      I have noticed a lot of bloggers do that... Though I'm not entirely sure what'll happen yet, a hiatus is a possibility too!

      - Arctic

    *King Tough Bunny

  5. :'( If you did quit... :( I would really miss you.. your Jammer Sundaes, your post's... And everything about you, but if you do quit, would you ever return?.. Or at least a small post not exactly AJ related to tell us how you are doing..? But now, your masterpiece means more to me then a headdress, a black long collar, or even an Alpha Sword. I will respect your descion eitherway. :) After all, not everybody has hung onto AJ for 5 years. I've lost intrest in AJ as well, the only thing that ties me to this game is my friends, I probably wont quit till my last friend quits..
    I wish you luck on school. And I hope this isn't your second last post. I will pray for you, and you will always be in my heart. I love reading your post's. Maybe you will come back, when school isn't so busy.
    OR You can kind of quit AJ, but when you don't have school (Like Summer/winter/spring breaks, you can maybe post or go on AJ :)
    I wish you luck my friend.

    1. Thank you very much Sarahkey!

      If I were to quit, I definitely would return every once in a while to do an update post on my life. Though, if I did quit I'd still be around managing things on the blog (so I wouldn't entirely disappear!)

      - Arctic

  6. I will continue spamming now (Custard, I know you are seeing this XD)

  7. No more thinking I can't change!

  8. there were a LOT of Deserts at church XDD

  9. Replies
    1. Okay, first off stop copying my little name. I made it up and YOU didn't. If you did TELL me how you did.

      Second, no need to go around on people's blog saying your "da spam queen" this is super aggerating after awhile.

    2. That sounded rude.. sorry sarah! I'd just appreciate if you wouldn't exactly say all over the web your a spam queen :)

      Thanks all of you for these comments, I know this sounds weird but it really shows how much your all care. I don't even know what I'd do without you all :)

  10. Once I get to 204 comments I will stop until Swirl comments agin XD

  11. I'm gonna miss you, Arctic. I totally understand though. Even if I've only been on animal Jam for a year, I feel like it's part of me. I've made so many amazing buddies, I've gotten so many achievements done, and best of all, I met you all. If it wasn't for animal Jam, I wouldn't have met you all. I'm so thankful god brought you all into my life. You showed me what amazing real friends you are, to never give up, and most importantly, you all showed me what fun times and memories can be made, easily from talking to god. You all are such amazing friends, and though everyone always has their arguements, to you will ALWAYS be my friends, no matter what.

    1. Thanks Gfox!

      Friendship truly is an important and wonderful things. I really do feel as though they play a huge role in shaping our identities. May you continue to make many more lasting friendships from here on out!

      - Arctic
