Diamond Magenta Spikes, Summer Carnival Screenshots and the Tent Mystery

Okay, hey guys!
I'm back again with your Saturday post. A lot has happened in between my last one. But it's not the time to talk about it.
So, moving on. Here is the newest item today, which is part of the Spikes Update from Thursday!
This reminds me of the glitched Magenta Spikes. I bet those will decline in rarity now.
Then, here is the latest Daily Explorer Update!
 Now, it is time for the more interesting part of the post. Or should I say INTERESTING, like AJHQ talks. But you get what I mean. Enough of my weirdness.
The Summer Carnival has returned for a short period. It's because of the Springtime Carnival Celebrations. I was at the Summer Carnival, and here are all of the items currently available to buy there!

This is interesting, because, as stated in the latest Jamaa Journal, there will be a mystery item released at the Summer Carnival one day.
If you can't find where it says that, it's towards the bottom.
Lastly, while I was exploring the Summer Carnival this year, I noticed a tent that wasn't in use. It's in the top left area, by the Bouncy House.
This is a mystery tent because it's not in use. What are your thoughts on it? Could it be a future attraction, or just sit there as the background?
Now, that's all I have for this post. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all in my next one!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh! Maybe they are gonna add like a adventure to do! Like you go into it, and you have to complete the adventure to get like tickets, or even items!
