All About The Famous Jammers!

Me: When the solid ground is falling out
From underneath my feet
Between the black skies and my red eyes
I can barely see
When I realize I've been let down by my friends and my family
I can hear the rain reminding me

In the eye of the storm, You remain in control
In the middle of the war, You guard my soul
You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn
Your love surrounds, me in the eye of the stor-

You guys: *blink blink* Huh?
Me: It's my favorite song!
You guys: Ok then..

Hey everyone!
Yes, that's a song. It's called "Eye of the Storm" by Ryan Stevenson. It seems to follow me wherever I go... I heard it on one radio station while I was doing school, and on another radio station, it played while we we're in the car.. It's following me.. 

Anyways, today's post is all about the Famous "Jam Jam's" *as I like to call them*! 

In this post, I will be talking about, Snowyclaw, Skorm, and Aparri! So without further ado, lets get started! 



This was the title of Snowyclaw's most recent video.. And I'm a huge Snowyclaw fan, so this was sorta scary for a moment 😳.. 

But, when I watched the video, she said that she be off Animal Jam for four months. It's still sorta upsetting, because I love her videos. But, why is she leaving Animal Jam, you may be wondering? This is because, she's going to Tanzania, which is in East Africa! It has gorgeous beaches, and mountains ^.^. Here's a photo, of a beach in Tanzania! 

While Snowyclaw is there, she will be studying African animals, and if she has Wifi, she may do some animal videos! 
I hope she does an elephant video, because my niece would love that.. Hehe. 



Skorm, as you may or may not know, has been banned. He was banned for selling items, which immediately gets you banned, I believe for life. But, he's come back..

That's right. He's now a non-member Jammer, under the username of Jammer54vl6t. Currently I'm at his den with my buddies.. I would be scared if he came in.. But then I'd say: "AUTO PLZ?" 
I'm very strange.. 

What do you think about Skorm coming back? I, for one, think this is really bad.. I hope AJHQ catches on, before he sells more items, for real life money. This is really like a crime, and he just can't come back, but he did. And now I think there needs to be strict rules, or ban him all together.. 



Recently, my buddy, Custard709, found Aparri, and was watching all the "fangirls" hover over him. I went to where she was, and found a huge crowd of people near him. 

After this experience, it got me thinking, why do people do this? 

In all seriousness, Aparri is just a normally person, like you and me. Yes, he may make good videos, but, we don't have to "worship" him. 

Anyone can make high quality videos, like Aparri, if they try. 

This really is a puzzling mystery to me, because no famous Jammer is really anyone special, even if they make good videos. 

Whats your thoughts? 


I hope you enjoyed today's post! 

Here's this weeks Bible verse!

Psalm 17:6

I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray.

Remember, God made YOU!

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' out! Adios amigos and amigas!


  1. I'm kinda nervous about Skorm being back cuz, what if he sells items AGAIN?

  2. If he sells items again, which he won't, its not going to effect you so stop being nervous. He apologized plenty. Just give him a second chance. He's a good guy 😊
