Happy New Year AJC!!!

Hello Jammers, as you probably know, there is absolutely nothing of importance today. Nope, just a regular day, so we'll be getting on with a very regular post.

Haha, nope! Happy New Year folks!! I can't believe I haven't posted since last year! Heheheh

Yep, every year, the same joke in different situations, to anyone who'll listen. And I still get a kick out of it every time! Can't say the same about the people that listen to it every year though... Anyway:

I don't know if it's necessarily new, but there's an interesting clothing item called the Ice Spikes in Jam Mart Clothing!

Ahahaha! Well, I'm sure they'd look cooler on a more coordinated outfit (not that they aren't already cool... because they're icicles.... eh nevermind)

I also wanted to discuss this whole "Member Daily Spin" thing. A daily spin giving only diamonds and gifts is helpful and clever I supposed, but I'm not a fan of it. I really don't like it at all and it almost seems to be drawing a further line between Non Members and Members. Equality I tell you, I want more equality! Oh well.

And now, it is time for this week's:

This week, simply: dogs

Looks like this guy might also have a New Year's Resolution:


Worry not dear friend, the sheep will not harm you:


All he wanted to do was dance. And dance he did:

And finally, this progression:


And now it is time for the factual part of this post:

First, our word of the day:

Finfugal: A person that hates endings

For example, a finfugal person would do anything to prolong the time before the ending of a story!

And finally, our fact of the day:

Grizzly bears can run as fast as the average horse!

Hmm, the more you know!

Have a great day friends, I shall see you next week!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !


  1. Happy New Year! I love Jammer Sundaes so much, I wish they could happen on more than just Sundays :P

  2. Happy New Years! And also I love u guys so much! You are amaaazzzzzinnngg!
