Rare Item Monday!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! Its Monday, which means its time for another Rare Item Monday! But before I get on with that, Christmas is less then TWO WEEKS away! How exciting is that?! Are you guys excited? I know I am! Comment down below how you prepare for Christmas! But now, back to RIM! Here is this weeks rare information!

This weeks RIM is the Rare Branch Antlers! They are located in Coral Canyons Epic Wonders. They can be found at the blue ball on the fifth clothing item page. It is for sale for 3,500 gems and it is members only. The color scheme is orange and a yellowish gold.

I like this item a lot! The color scheme is really different but it works well together. The price is very high though. And its right around Christmas time, AJHQ! Jammers cant afford these high prices with Christmas almost here! Haha, but in all seriousness it does have a high recycle value. I bought one and went to see how much it recycled for, and it recycled for 3,475 gems! Only 25 gems less then what you paid for. Not a bad deal!! Make sure you pick up you're Rare Branch Antlers today only!!

As always. Bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. I honestly don't really prepare for Christmas XD I'm just not the festive kind of person!


  2. I love this RIM! :D I could only buy 1 cuz I never have very many gems (Pls gift me stuff I could recycle! XDD)
