Merry Christmas To My Buddies! (A Slight Poem/Thankful Post)

You guys- Surprising indeed. πŸ™„
Me- What? Whats wrong? You guys seem upset..
You guys- We are.
Me- Why..? I'm posting early! This calls for a celebration!
You guys- Not for us! It's 2:00 PM Eastern Time, and it's 4:00 PM in London.
Me- *Gulp*
You guys- 😬

Hehe. For me it's an early post! It's 11:00 AM here, and I even woke up early to make it! (And to take a shower but whatever...)

Let's get going on the post, shall we?

Today's post is sorta going to be like a Christmas card to my buddies, sorta like a poem, and sorta like a post to show my thankfulness and appreciation towards my buddies.

So lets get started!


One blog. 
Changed everything. 
One blog, gave me a new perspective. 
One blog gave me an unforgettable experience. 
That blog, was the official Animal Jam Daily Explorer. 
Curiosity sparking through me. 
A friend was about to be made. 
I headed over to a den. 
And thats when I met, 
An adventurer. 
A commenter on this blog.
AJ Adventurer. 
From that moment on, 
Everything changed. 
The next thing I knew, 
Another friend was made.
Her name? 
More people came.
More friendships were made. 
All of them were commenters. 
Of the blog. 
That changed everything. 
All of them accepted me. 
None of them rejected me. 
I've never been so grateful before. 
For such wonderful girls. 
After meeting just one girl,
I discovered a new world. 
Those girls opened up the world, 
Of blogs. 
I commented on blogs 
Buddied more and more blogger authors. 
Budded blogger commenters. 
Leaving me with so many friends,
That I'll never forget. 
As we grow old, 
You'll never be forgotten. 
Little things you talk about, 
Seem to help me get through the day. 
I feel so blessed to have friends like you, 
And some of them are Christians too. 
Words cannot describe, 
The happiness I have inside.
It really is true, 
The thankfulness I have for you.

(Ok I really am bad at writing poems, I'm not sure how I got that to rhyme. God made that possible 😳) 

God couldn't have blessed me more. You guys are so wonderful. I want you all to remember that, and never forget it. 

Even if your feeling unloved by the world, your friends will help you, and most importantly, God will help you. 

I really do think God gave us friends, to help us through difficult times in our lives. 

I can't even put into words how happy I am that you guys are my friends. The Daily Explorer really did change my life. Without it, I don't think I ever would have met my friends. 

Theres such a significant story behind meeting my friends. Lets take blog author, Arcticstar for example. 

I was somewhere in Jamaa, when I saw Arcticstar8404, wearing a News Crew Badge! I thought that was really cool, so I decided to buddy her. 

One day, me, Arcticstar, and Ferretlove were hanging out in a den. Ferretlove said something about Animal Jam Community, and out of curiosity, I asked what that was. 

Turns out, it's this blog. 

I was very interested, and I wanted to become an author! 

I applied, but something didn't feel right about it.. So I quickly removed a comment I posted. 

I just put it on the shelf for months and months. 

Then one day I decided, to re-apply. 

I was chosen. 

So without meeting Arcticstar that one day because she had a News Crew badge, I wouldn't be writing here. 

So we too, pretty much met through the Daily Explorer, since she won News Crew!

I feel God fits these pieces of the puzzle together, and works through people to work out our whole lives. 

To show my appreciation, I made this little Christmas Card in the Art Studio! I'm working on giving copies of it to some of my buddies, with their username on it. 

In case I don't have enough diamonds to give it to one of you, here it is! 

I truly am, so grateful for all of you. 


I hope you enjoyed todays post! 

This will be my last post until the 27th, so this is my last post until Christmas. So I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.. 🎢And a Happy New Year! 🎢

Here's this weeks Bible verse! 

Luke 2:16-18

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
Remember, God made YOU!
Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91, signing out!


  1. You're such an awesome friend Grace! You and all of my AJ friends really make AJ worthwhile, and I"m really thankful for all of you!! Merry Christmas <3


    1. Aw, thanks! <3

      Without my friends, I'm not sure if I'd still be playing AJ, maybe I would, but my experience wouldn't be the same!

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. :) Love the poem! I'm bad at making Poems too O.o


  3. I have gotten into too many blogs O.o I can't get rid of any cuz most of them are run by my friends, XDD

    1. Hehe!



      XD just playin'

      Remember, God made YOU!

  4. Aww ty Gracie!! And im so sorry i couldnt make the party!! I hope ur not mad!

    1. Your welcome! 😊

      I'm not mad! I completely understand :) the party turned out WAY different then I imagined, and it wasn't really my party. More info will be on my blog tomorrow!

    2. Good news! Im gonna be on an actual computer today and tommorow! *btw i posted twice on a diff page oops!*

  5. Great post, Gracie!

    That's so cool how all these things come together in such an intricate and organized way. Even for me (when I first discovered animal jam, maybe four years ago?) I never knew I would meet so many great people and be so affected by all of them! It really makes you think of how blessed you are, looking back on those kinds of things.

    Happy Christmas!

    - Arctic

  6. I LOVE this post showing Gods love and Grace, and I love this blog! Don't forget to check out the Jamaaliday Extravaganza Post on Christmas Day on my blog ^-^

    Merry Christmas!

    --Scooter (chocolate4050)

    1. I love your blog!! I admire your creativity and love for blogging! Merry christmas! ~ Fox

  7. I am glad you got this blog!! If you wouldnt have we wouldnt have met! Im so grateful for you guys! - Fox

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Im afraid you got off aj cause of me or something XD and plz pray for me, i am having a hard time with anxiety and stress! Thanks!

  10. This year has been so great because of meeting you amazing people, and all my new best friends! I hope u arent mad at me or anything Gracie, (P.S i understand i have anxiety too XD)
