How To Master Pest Control (Easy Level), An AJ Apple, And Fashion Show Going For 1 More Week!

Hey Jammers! Its yo gurl Graciepopstar91 here! (Sorry, I couldn't hold back.. So just ignore that Aparri-like intro) Last night, I didn't know what to write about for a post today. So I asked my best friend CoolCat if she had any ideas for a post. She said that when she doesn't know what to write, she will wander around Jamaa, and look for ideas. When she said that, I imagined Jamaa Township, and me standing in the middle of all the Jammers. Then I got an idea from that. I would post about how to master the game, Pest Control! In this post, I will tell you how to play it really well on the Easy Level! When I first began playing Pest Control, I was lost. I had no clue at all how to play it! But then CoolCat did a helpful post June 21st 2015 on my blog on how to play it, and ever since then I loved the game, and can do Easy and Medium mode pretty well! Now, without further ado, lets get into the actual post!


When you first start out, try putting out at least five Chomper Plants, a few spaces apart from each other. 

Before its time for the frogs food, put out the frogs so you will have them ready. I put out 3. (TIP, keep an eye on your tokens, and when you get enough, quickly put out the animal you need. If you let your tokens add up, and only have a few predators out, you may loose the game.) 

When the frog is on its second prey animal, its time to put out these lil' lizards! But if you have the lizard along ways away from the sidewalk, your lizard will do nothing pretty much. So you will not need it there. If you end up in one of these situations, simply click the lizard and push the sell button to get rid of it. 

Here's what my game looks like with more lizards. (TIP, you may want to sell old Chomper Plants you don't need to make room for the lizards. Follow the steps above on how to delete predators.) 

When this animal comes in, its time to set out a bunch of snakes. Its best to find empty spots for them, instead of deleting predators in this situation. Every predator helps when you get to this point. 

Add more snakes whenever you can, and delete as little as possible. And remember, if prey almost escapes, try to put out more predators as fast as you can near where they are walking. Some almost escaped for me, so thats why theres some predators near the end. 

If everything looks okay, and no prey is escaping, or close to escaping, you can push the SPEED button on the bottom of your screen. If you do this, you will earn tokens really fast! But if you see that prey is about to escape while your in SPEED mode, simply click the SPEED button again to slow  the game down again. 

When you finish the game, this will pop up! 

I hope you enjoyed this little tutorial! Comment below if you think I should do more of these in the future! 


Today, I was in the Lost Temple Of Zios, and saw a little bowl of candy. I clicked on it, expecting to receive a candy bar, or a little wrapped up mint, but instead I got.. 

Yep. An apple. Do you think this is a glitch? Or does AJ want us to be healthy and not get candy this holiday season? I thought this was pretty funny! 


Every week, you guys have to eliminate someone from the Back To School Fashion Show, but last week only one Jammer voted someone out. The Jammer who voted someone out, is one of the finalists. So to keep all fair, the Fashion Show will be going for one more week. 

Comment below on who you think should be out this week! 


Heres this weeks Bible verse! 

James 2:17

So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.

Remember, God made YOU! 

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' off! 


  1. I usually do pretty good in Pest Control but thanks! :D I have different methods and usually have a few more tokens then you had when you ended but that's ok!! We all have different ways of playing games. ^.^

    Uhhh, I'll vote out.... Princess Bracestar. (I have no clue who they are. XD)

    1. Also, the apple is not a glitch! I get them all the time and I got them last year too. ;)

    2. Hi there! Actually, I think I got over 100 tokens. The 78 token picture wasn't how many I got in the end :).

      Shh.. Dancing Bravestar is Karalee.. Shhh.. XD

      Oh really? That's weird o.o I WANTED MY CANDY! WAHHHH

      Some of my weirdness just broke through.. Hehe

      Remember, God made YOU!

    3. Oohh! Oki! XD




      Oopsies, I made a typo. (you guys should know that I always make typos by now XD) BRAVESTAR, not BraCestar. :P

    4. I was kiddin', Lost. ;) I make a lotta tpos, too. <--- :o

      XD I wouldn't mind apples so much, but Granny Smiths? CX

      Ermm, Gracie? It's Princess, not Dancing. O.O

      Sarah, you too? Man, why does everyone think my name is Dancing.... *thinks*


  2. It's BRAVEstar, Lost! BRAVEstar! >.< XD XD XD

    And I vote out Snowflake Strongclaws... can I even vote?


    1. Hi there! Yes, you can vote as long as your not the only one voting.

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. I vote out Dancing Bravestar. I don't have a choice who to vote out LOL *sees Lost Fairies comment* But... but what about... APPLES?! I CLICKED ON THAT FOR AN APPLE!!! XDD

  4. I vote out, Snowflake Strong claws
