Glitches, And Fashion Show Tie?!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 heeeeeeeeere! Today, I'm going to show you some glitches me and my friends Ja983, and Karalee did! I will be putting up pictures of the glitches, and how you do it! First up is the Coral Canyons Pathway glitch!

First, go near the end of the pathway, and change your avatar. But while its changing, you have to run really fast to this section ^^ of the pathway. When you get to the rock formation, you can change animals, dance, and have fun! 

Slime/Pet Glitch 

For this glitch, go in the right bottom corner of the Haunted Mansion Den, and go into the "Slime Pool" and watch your pet. Your pets will be standing on the slime! They won't go in the slime. Pretty weird! 

Walking On Water Glitch

This glitch has been around for quite awhile I believe. For this glitch, you need to go to Tierney's Aquarium, and stand near the Kani Cove portal. Quickly change animals, and while changing animals, run onto the water! Your avatar will be stand on the water! 

Lost Temple Of Zios Portal Glitch 

This glitch is similar to the Canyons Pathway and Walking On Water Glitch. Simply stand on the bridge near the Lost Temple Of Zios sign, and quickly change animals, and while changing animals, run past the Lost Temple Of Zios sign. Normally if you do this without changing animals, it will just take you to the Lost Temple Of Zios. Pretty cool! 

I hope you enjoyed these glitches! Comment below on which one is your favorite! 


As you may or may not know, last week was the very last week of the Fashion Show. So this week we have a winner! Lets see who won, shall we? 

What do we have here?! Its a tie! Congratulations to Karalee (Princess Bravestar), and Sarahkey8 (Snowflake Strongclaws)! 

Since this contest has come to a close, I would like to do another contest sometime soon! Comment below on what kind of contest YOU would like to see! 


I hope you enjoyed this weeks post! 

Heres this weeks Bible verse! 

Leviticus 19:18

Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

We shouldn't hold grudges or want revenge in todays day and age too. Just because it says "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite" We should not hold a grudge against towards other people, not just Israelites.  Really good verse!

Remember, God made YOU! 

Until next Tuesday, Jammers, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' out! 


  1. Yay! Congratulations Sarah! :D


    1. Ty! Congratulations to you too! Its kinda funny how it was a tie LOL
