A Late Sunday Post! (Jammer Sundae #63)

Greetings Jammers, this is Arctic bringing you a shamefully late post!

I need to figure out a better system than what I have going on now, because I'm finding I can't find the time to post on some weeks, and if I do they always end up being late! I'll get back to you guys when I discover a better method!

Anyway, with the Night of the Phantoms fast approaching we have a TON of items that have made their way into stores throughout Jamaa:

Behold, the hoard:

Phew! So many items! Make sure to get your fill before the go out of stores!

Also make sure to pick up a Rare Pet Phantom (cool colours!) while you still can folks, they'll only be around for a little while longer!

And now, it is finally time for:

How about silly animal faces this week?

First, this otter who's just having a great time:

This owl that can't back out now:

"What have I gotten myself into?!"
Web-Humour - About.com
This manta ray who just wants to have a good time:

And finally, this guy with a REALLy scaled down face

That's all for this week guys! See you next week!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !


  1. XDD That otter is soo funny O.o "I HAD to have chicks DIDN'T I?!" Thats what he is saying too. *sees Manta Ray.* *burst out laughing* LOL LOL LOL How does he see anything?? HE IS TINY EYES

    1. Those are actually nostrils. O.o XD His eyes are on top. That's the underside of the ray. :)

