My Animal Jam Tag!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 heeeeere! How are you doing this week? Anywhooo! Today, I am going to be talking about my brand new Animal Jam tag! Here it is!


1) If you could only have one clothing item on AJ, what would it be? 

Hmm.. I'd have to say orange pigtails. My main look always has them on! 

2) Whats your favorite AJ feature? (Such as masterpieces, buddies, etc)

Buddies for sure! I do love masterpieces, but no item could replace a really good friendship. 

3) What animal would you like to see on AJ? 

Thats a hard one! Probably an aye aye, or a lemur. Although an extinct dodo bird may be cool... I cant decide! 

4) AJHQ just granted you 100 diamonds. What do you spend them on? 

First, I would get myself the tail in the Princess Armor set, then I'd get some big plushies, then give my friend items too! 

5) If you could create your own world on AJ, what would it be? 

Probably another beach, but this one is just surrounded by ocean, and the music in the world is calm, and their is palm trees everywhere. You can also lay out beach towels and try to spot dolphins and whales. 

Now I tag, 


Have fun doing this tag! 


Heres this weeks Bible verse! 

Philippians 4:8

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Remember, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ! 

Remember, God made YOU! 

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' off! 


    2. BUDDIES :D
    3. Ardvark, Swan, anddddddd snake,
    4. Am I a member? Lol, if I was a member then I would do a den, goat, arctic wolf and arctic fox, and PETS OH YEAH! and then idk XD
    5. Dis World is the best lol ok srsyly, earth.. LOL

    1. Totally this earth. But then wouldn't humans be there?? Ooo this could be an exciting land... 😜

    2. Maybe a Jamaasian amusement park?

  2. I love your personality and yes everyone is brothers and sisters

    Love thy neighbor

    1. Aw thanks ;)
      And yes! Love thy neighbor as yourself :)!

  3. Hooraaaaaaaay!!!!!! Thank you for tagging me, Gracie! I love doing tags!

  4. ok u didnt tag me but imma still go:
    1. white gazelle horns. Omg, they are a life saver.
    2. Idk, probably adventures
    3. FROG
    5. A swampland that has the harry potter music.

    1. Ok, fine fine I'll be serious with meh 5. Lol. it would be called... Owl Forest. With a bunch of owl city music ;)

    2. 🎶 I'll never wander on my own, for I am yours until you call me home! I close my eyes, and I can hear you say... Your not aloooone! Oooooone! Your not alooooone! Ooooone! 🎶 #OwlCity 😜

    3. The stars lean down to kiss you
      And I lie awake and miss you
      Pour me a heavy doze of atmosphere...
      #OwlCity #VanillaTwilight


  5. 1) If you could only have one clothing item on AJ, what would it be?

    Only one item? Oh man... Probably a fox hat (white one)- my main animal always wears it, and it wouldn't be the same without that hat!

    2) Whats your favorite AJ feature? (Such as masterpieces, buddies, etc)

    Oh tough.. I love adventures (not seasonal adventures though- those bother me), and dens, but buddies are the best.

    3) What animal would you like to see on AJ?

    Moose! Or a beaver... Or maybe a peacock?

    4) AJHQ just granted you 100 diamonds. What do you spend them on?

    I have no idea... Maybe buy a couple dens, some things for buddies, and save the rest for future dens and animals?

    5) If you could create your own world on AJ, what would it be?

    Awesome question! Definitely a mountain landscape, with a river and a valley. There would be tons of tall pine trees, green grass and moss all over the rocks, and bushes too! The music would be very nature-y, upbeat, and exciting (not a hint of modern things- all natural sounding) kind of like the music from the Lucky Clovers adventure!

    Nice questionnaire Gracie, hope to see more in the future- this was fun!

    - Arctic

  6. Thanks for tagging me, Gracie!! :D I'll be sure to do this tag tomorrow or something. ;)

  7. Sorry I'm late to the tag! Here are my answers!
    1) If you could only have one clothing item on AJ, what would it be?

    That's super hard! I love to come up with new looks all the time! Its almost impossible to chose one! But if I had to I would probably choose my black worn.

    2) What's your favorite AJ feature? (Such as masterpieces, buddies, ect)

    That's a hard one too! And buddies and masterpieces are probably my favorite features. But I would have to say buddies.

    3) What animal would you like to see in AJ?

    I would LOVE to see dinosaurs on AJ! I think that would be that coolest thing ever!

    4) AJHQ Granted you 100 diamonds. What do you spend then on?

    I really don't like to spend my diamonds. I like to save them, even if I have a lot. But I would probably buy a few diamond items and give them away to strangers and buddies!

    5)If you could create your own world on AJ, what would it be?

    I would probably create a vally!

    This was a very fun tag, Gracie! Thanks for tagging me! Can't wait for more! :)
