3 Tips To Keep Your Account Safe!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here with this weeks post! Today, I wanted to talk about a subject that really needs to be talked about. Keeping your account safe. Scamming and hacking for some reason, seems to be happening a lot lately around Animal Jam. So I'm going to be talking about 2 tips to stay away from scams, and 1 tips to not get hacked! Here they are!

  1. Trust-Trading: One of the most common scams, is Trust-Trading. Trust-Trading is when someone will stand in a township, and say: "Best trade wins my ____!" The blank space could be any high value  item. The Trust-Trader will normally have a low value item on trade. Such as a necklace, bat glasses, etc. Sadly, people fall for this scam. Sometimes this will happen in dens, and people will lock their den after they get a trade they like. Its best to never trade these people, and not go to Trust-Trading events. 
  2. Borrowing Items: Sadly, this is a scam that got me. A girl whom I thought was my friend, wanted to "borrow" my pink Rare Bow And Arrows. I believe she traded me a clover blanket for my bow, and I accepted the trade. She ran off with my item! I cried. Thankfully, one of my buddies gave me their pink Rare Bow And Arrows. From that day on, I learned my lesson! 
  3. Hacking Prevention: Lots of people seem to be getting hacked lately. Sometimes people just get hacked for no reason! But sometimes, they will exchange passwords with a friend. Sometimes you may think you can trust that friend, but its really a bad choice. I recently read about someone getting hacked from sharing their password, and a friend recycling their items! Its always best just to tell your password to a trusted parent or guardian. 
I hope these tips help you keep your account safe!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Psalm 1:1-2

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night.

Remember, God made YOU!

Tomorrow I'm filling in for Cerise, so you will see another post from me then! 


  1. Nice post! :D I have never been scammer. Though the BIGGEST mistake in Jamaa History was when. I had a silver long spike, (I was a nm at the time) Trying to get a rare spike for a person who would give me another silver long and some more rares and stuff like that. So, I saw someone with a rare spike on trade! (I forgot the details) And then traded my silver spike, rares, Phantom armor, things that are real hard to get, lucky armor, full set of friendship armor, and pushed trade. This was WAY before they added the thing when it makes you do the trade again, And of course the person accepted! I was so excited, then it dawned on me... I had traded for the person's SILVER spike! I had traded ALL those things for ANOTHER silver spike.... I really think that was the biggest fail in Jamaa history. I had clicked on the persons silver spike instead of the rare one. And now I quote my self... "OH NO PLZ TRADE ME THE RARE ONE FOR MY SILVER ONE THE TRADE I JUST DID WAS ON ACCIDENT I MEANT TO DO THE RARE ONE' the person responded with 'Your fault, then loggged out. Next momment was RAGE QUIT And I did not play AJ for 2 days.. XD It was around halloween too. Trick Or Treat?? :( (I hate Halloween)

    1. Aw I'm so sorry! But if we never make mistakes, we will never learn, right? 😉

  2. Oh wow. I haven't been on this blog in SOOO long! When I was on the blog arcticstar8404 and mldriver were the authors! Do either of them still write here, because I literally don't know any of these authors. I guess I'm never gonna be as active on this as I was in 2014.

    1. Hiya! Welcome back to AJC!
      Arcticstar8404 does still write here, and is an admin! But I believe Mldriver quit writing for AJC. I haven't seen a post from her.
      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. Wait, do you guys still do word of the day, fact of the day, and jammer sundaes?

    1. Arctic normally does Jammer Sundaes, (one day I filled in though) but was inactive on AJC for a while, so she wasn't doing Jammer Sundaes. But I think she's going to do them more often again :)
