Pixelated Pathway, Paperclip Earrings + 10 Biggest Animals

Hiya Jammers! It's Penguin here once again because today is Saturday. First off I'd like to announce that it is finally July and that means this year is MORE than half way over. I can't believe how fast 2016 is going. Anyways, here are the two newest items in stores today.

Also, I want you guys to read this version of the Daily Explorer below. I'll explain something after you're finished.
Now, it looks like AJHQ is obsessed with Spikes! They're making Daily Explorer articles that involve them alot now. This is just a little funny in my opinion.
The last thing I'd like to show to you guys is a quick video about some of the largest animals that have ever roamed this Earth. I saw this video and thought it was pretty interesting.
I hope you guys enjoyed the post and the video, and remember to Jam On. Lately I've seen alot of Bullies and Scammers, so remember to be on the good side of Animal Jam. Until next time, this is Penguin signing off.


  1. It seems like every year goes by faster than the last! 2017 will be here before we know it.
    And I think I've seen that video before!! I wonder what it's like to be those types of animals. Everything must seem so small.


  3. The vid actually was super interesting!!

  4. MILLIONS OF YEARS? EVOLOTUTION ^.^ I know this is realllllllllllllll late XD
