My Very First Post On AJC!

Hey everyone! I am Graciepopstar91! Your brand new author! I am the founder/owner of The Animal Jam Friendship Community! I got my inspiration for my blog, from this blog! When Arcticstar told me I was going to be an author here, it was the most amazing feeling. I am definitely pleased and honored to be here. Annnywho! Time to jump into the main part of this post! Today I'm going to be talking about... Animal Jam Toys! Seems to be a big hit around the globe lately! I'm also going to tell you how to get a free Animal Jam Toy! Here we go!

Animal Jam Toys are being sold at select Walmart stores. Thats what got me... When I found out about these toys, it was just like "Oh okay, cool." But then later I found myself calling tons of Walmart stores. Almost all of them did not carry these toys. It was starting to sound like a total myth. But when I called one Walmart, they said they carried it! I felt like I was going to scream. Afterwards I laughed the most evilest laugh... Don't ask.. Anyways, we got to Walmart and found these lil' guys!

I was so excited! But then, we went to this Walmart again after church, and found the display empty! So then me and my family, and an employee went on a wild chase for these toys. They ended up being hidden in different spots. That ended up being the last of my Animal Jam Adopt A Pet Toys. But! We went to a different Walmart, and found these toys instead!:

(Right side of the display) These toys are new Animal Jam Plushies! It comes with a secret code! With the secret code, you will get a plushie on Animal Jam that looks like the real one! I got a bunny plush, and my niece has a monkey! Heres what they look like in game: 

Cool huh?

(Front of the display) These toys are pretty much like Littlest Pet Shop houses with little figurines inside! These also give you items. 

(Left side of the display) These toys are figurines with accessories! The bunny gives you Faerie Wings, and the penguin gives you a Windjammer hat! *Tip* sometimes you can identify what item you will get from these, by looking at these figurines! One item will probably get your attention because its not in game. 

Now to end this extremely long first post! I am going to tell you how to get a free Animal Jam Toy! Click here and have your parents or guardian fill out the needed information, and an Animal Jam Toy will come in the mail! (You will also get a one week free membership!) Im not 100% which toy which toy you will receive, because I have not gotten mine yet. I'll let you all know as soon as I get my toy! 

I promise I'll keep my posts shorter. I guess when I'm on a roll with writing, I can't stop! 

Something you must know about me is that I am a Christian. So every time I do a post (which is every Tuesday), I would like to include a Bible verse! Heres it is!

Luke 6:37

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.

Remember, God made YOU!

Until next Tuesday, this is Graciepopstar91 signin' off!



  2. Nice post Gracie! I love today's verse!
    -Pinpun (Animal Jam Sage)

    1. Pinpun! Hi! :D Rockin' post, Gracie! Keep it up! (DXplorergirl)

  3. I like that you took pictures! I haven't yet seen them in stores here so it's nice to know what they look like.

  4. Hey there Grace, great post!

    Up where I am, I've never seen an Animal Jam Toy, and I've never even heard about them or known that they existed up until reading your post!

    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your great posts in the future, keep up the awesome work!

    ~ Arctic

    1. Thank you!
      Yeah. Some places seem to not have it yet D:

  5. Great post Gracie! Welcome into the Animal Jam Community!

    1. Gracias! I am honored to be apart of this community! It was weird at first when saw my very own post on here! Lol

  6. Great job Gracie! I'm very much looking forward to your posts! And I'm TOTALLY trying that free AJ toy thing!!!

    Also, did you make those plushie graphics yourself? They're amazing!

    1. Thanks Swirlshine!
      Yes I did do those graphics :D their pretty easy to make if you have the right background, and if you have a mac computer.

    2. Wow! They look so clean and awesome!! You should tell Awesomepanda of the Animal Jam Graphic Central, she loves making graphics as well, and she even posts other peoples'!

    3. Is the free toy website safe? It seems to ask a lot of information, like your first and last name.

    4. The site seems safe. At least I think it is.. I haven't heard of anyone getting harmed with this. Me and my friends have done it too :)

    5. Okay, good! Then I'll probably be using it! :)

  7. Agh, if only Adopt-a-pets were in my country... THEY SO KAWAII!! Just like every other AJ toy! The free adopt-a-pet thingy does not apper in my computer,though... Well, anyways, I can always wait for them to come to my country! (lol that sounds awkward)

  8. Fabulous post, Gracie! Welcome to the AJC! :3
    - Unikitty777
