Items, A New Author (and an open spot!) and Jammer Sundae Number Who Even Knows?

G-G-G-Greetings Jammers, it's Arctic here back with a Jammer Sundae post! Woo, has it ever been a while? What number of Jammer Sundae is this? #57? What ever the number is, we still have to go through what's new today in Jamaa, so let's get onto that first shall we?

Before that, though, I have some important news to announce! Several considerate, kind readers such as yourselves have offered me help with posting on the blog, which I really appreciate. With dear Grace gone from the blog, it's hard for the authors to keep up posting!

Through the requests, one struck me in particular. A good friend of mine, Graciepopstar91 (Gracie) had offered to take up one of the days as well. Having had previous posting experience on an excellent blog of her own, I didn't hesitate to accept her offer. Gracie will have her pick of either Tuesday or Friday as a posting day. After she reveals her choice to me, one open posting day will remain. If you are interested in being an author, please contact me at my email (written at the bottom of every post) with a sample post, a brief explanation about who you are, and why you want to become an author! I'm excited to hear from you all, and even more excited for Gracie to start posting!

Today's new items are the Frog Hat and the Moon Stained Glass. The Frog Hat is adorably silly, and would make for a great outfit! I haven't bought one, but it looks fun and interesting. The Moon Stained Glass is very nice, I've always liked windows, they make the den so much roomier looking. The Stained Glass style windows that AJHQ have been making are particularly beautiful, and I definitely feel like I will be buying this item in the future! The Frog Hat can be bought for 650 gems in Jam Mart Clothing, and the Moon Stained Glass can be bought for 750 in Jam Mart Furniture!

Ah, now that we've gotten that through with, let's get on with our -

I don't even know, Pouncing. I don't even know. Looks like I'll be following Little's advice from now on though! Tell me in the comments what you want to see in Jammer Sundaes, and I'll do my best to provide!

And now, it is time for the factual part of this post:

This week I thought I'd do a fact about my posting for fun:

It takes Arctic over an hour to do these ridiculous cutaway scenes and sketches between Pouncing and Little. In this particular post, a little over 22 screenshots had to be made in order to combine images so that both Pouncing and Little could be arguing on screen at the same time!

It takes a crazy long time, but it's worth it if you guys enjoy it - I want to make my posts as exciting as possible! Oh how I love doing these sketches!

Sorry for the long post my friends! See you tomorrow bright and early with a Monday Rare post!

As always, feel free to contact me at !


  1. I can't wait for the new authors to be revealed. Soon, the blog will return to its glory once more!

  2. Welcome in advance to all of the new authors!!

  3. Awesome! I wish you luck, Graciepopstar!!

    I actually really love those little comic-thingies you do! They make your blog posts so unique, and they give me a good laugh!
    As for the Jammer Sundaes, maybe you could post about some funny things you've seen people saying in Jamaa, and then we could vote on who's comment was the funniest? I always enjoy posts like that! :)
