Absence for Today

Greetings Jammerinos, Arcticstar here!

I am writing this post quite late at night over here where I am, because Sunday (or rather, "today" when you folks read this!) is a busy day for me this week. I'll be waking up early to handle final things regarding my move, and won't have the time to post.

I will definitely be back on Monday with a new RIM post! So take the day off, relax, and have an excellent Sunday!

P.S. For those of you interested in how the author spot tryouts are coming along, here is what is currently going on. I have received several applications, and are reviewing them carefully to decide which would be most suitable for the blog. This process will go on for about 1 more week (results will be released next Sunday or Monday), as I want to make sure I am being fair, and I also want to make sure that everyone interested has had a chance to submit! Thanks for your patience!

Feel free to contact me (and enter an author submission!) at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !

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