Peck's Den and Enchanted Hollow Den Similarities + New Map System Idea

Hiya Jammers! This is Penguin, and I'm sorry for such a late post. I was at the Zoo today and we went with our family really early, so I couldn't post in the morning. Anyways, it's time for me to post now, and here is the new item.
Also, speaking of Pigs, here is the outfit I made for my new pig.
Pretty cool, eh?
I noticed three similarities between Peck's Den and the Enchanted Hollow Den: they both have similar carpet patterns, they both are underground/have a cave background, and have an above ground area.

I think AJHQ got the idea of Peck's Den from the Enchanted Hollow. After all, bunnies live in burrows.
Finally, I came up with an idea- that AJHQ could make a button to expand the map on AJ. The map would be too small to fit much more lands, so there should be a click and drag button that you can use to go to your destination. I mean, seriously... look at this picture. We won't be getting too many more lands if we don't expand the map.
Okay, that's all for this post, but make sure to come back and read this blog again. I'll see you guys soon.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought they were pretty similar when I first saw Peck's Den. I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices it.
