Spring Cottage

Hello Jammers! General here with some Thursday news! General bought the new Spring Cottage, and even though he thinks it's a little late to release a spring-themed den, he likes it very much.

It's available in the Diamond Shop for seven diamonds! AJHQ is even throwing a Spring Cottage-themed Jammer Central contest. The prize is the new Den Plaque - General might enter, but he's not sure.

There are also a few signs for the Summer Carnival, which should arrive sometime in May! However, it hasn't been too long since the last Summer Carnival - it was brought back for a bit in February for the Carnival celebration, which General reported on in one of his earlier AJC posts.

Now General has to cut this post short. He has to say his goodbyes to his former co-author Grace2092, who has quit AJ...

General always looked forward to reading your posts. When he read your post last week, he was shocked. It's hard to imagine how hard it must be to quit AJ. With that being said, General wishes you the best of luck! Thank you so much for being an author here and a buddy to General!

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