Rare Item Monday!

Greetings, Jammers, Arcticstar here! I hope you have all had a great Easter!

**Please check out and fill in the new poll on the right! I would greatly appreciate it if I could have as many answers as possible by the end of the week so that I can really get to work on planning an AJC Party!**

Today's Rare Item is sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 850 gems. Introducing the Rare Horned Leg Pads!  I have always appreciated this item - it was one of the first items I ever had when I joined Animal Jam! This rare has a generally good colour combination, and guess what? It's for members and non members alike!! Be sure to buy one of these today while they're still around!

And now it is time for the factual part of this post:

Our word of the day:

Furtive: Sneaky

An excellent word to replace such common boring words with!

Our fact of the day:

It is scientifically proven that people who are more accepting live happier lives!

So go out there and be the best you can be! Have a great day Jammers!

Feel free to contact me at arcticstarjamaa@gmail.com !


  1. I WOULD do the poll but it is just a white screen for me...

    Ya, some R.I.M have crazy colors! I am glad to see you happy about them, Arcticstar! Cuz, I just keep seeing people saying its a bad item.

    Cool fact! Let's do it! :D


    1. I personally think it is a perfectly fine item - I just wish AJHQ would be a bit more creative with their rares, haha!

      I wonder why the poll is just blank for you... I'll have to look into that!

      We should all commit ourselves to making every day a bit better!

      - Arctic

    2. LOL, yes. I like creative rares! :D

      Hmm... It might be my computer, idk... Maybe I'll try on a different computer...

      I agree, totally! :D


  2. It's about time that they added another NM Rare Item Monday!
    I voted on the poll; can't wait to attend the party !!


    1. I quite agree!
      Thank you for voting, I am very excited to finish planning this so we can all enjoy it!

      - Arctic

  3. I can do pretty much any evenings so yeah and Sunday morning. The poll will only let me vote for one so just so you know Arctic.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, and also for voting!

      - Arctic
