Leaf Rug and Fixed Glitch

Hello fellow people of the Jamaasian World.
I know, I tried to sound like a robot or something, but it wouldn't work. Err- I'm glad I'm not a Comedian. I would fail so bad XD.
Today's new item, sold in Treetop Gardens, is the Leaf Rug.
I think this is a returning item, but I can't remember for sure.
Here is the Daily Explorer update, the place IF YOU WANT FREE FOOD! No, umm, just kidding.
 As you can see, there's no free food. But there IS Jammer Art, and these posts on the Daily Explorer are quite cool.
I don't remember if I posted about this Glitch, but it was where the badge on your animal's name tag wouldn't appear. But anyways, that glitch has finally been patched. Well, at least for me, because I don't know if it has been patched for any other Jammers yet.
See? It finally appears now.
I don't have very much time to finish this post, but I'll end it with a quick quote.
"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try."

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