
Hello Jammers and welcome back to another Grace2092 post every Tuesday and Friday for your entertainment!

Well whats new? I see the Jamaa Journal has come out and we will name a few things and discuss important topics in them and ask questions :)

Well I see that this awesome new Ice Palace Den has come out! Wow, that is really cool! I cant wait to check it out! Does anyone have one? Is it cool?

Double the JEMS! Wow! Make sure you go to the Solo Arcade and play for winning big! 

New Animal? Wow, a new animal is coming out and it says that there is a hint in the pages, I saw a thing and on each page is a different letter and it spelled out togo, I searched and there is nothing of that sort.. Hmm. Can you help me figure it out?

Polar Bears are coming back! Yay! Is anyone here crazy about them? Do you already have one?

Pet Snow Leopards are here! Make sure to get them with their cute accessories! 

Thanks for reading, hope you have a great Friday! BYE!

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Post every Tuesday and Friday for your entertainment!


  1. The new animal is a goat! Look at the top corner of the journal and unscramble the letters.

  2. You mean tago? Not goot, haha!

  3. Tago? Um....ermmm....
    Lets unscramble this....
    G. O. A. T.
    What's that spell?
    The new animal is a goat, no leaked pictures, animal jam is keeping the design of the Goats under lock and key
