Dear AJ-Offers

Dear AJ-Offers

You are right. I did go overboard, and I admit my mistake. Just all I ask if you please leave us alone, we did nothing to you. All we are is a blog for Animal Jam. We just want to go back to posting without getting cyber-bullied by you. I was rude and I was not thinking earlier, I am sorry for the things that I said.

But please stop writing rude comments when all we are doing is our job, saying what is new, writing factual posts. I, personally, am sorry earlier for writing those things, must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed to get that mad at you.

All we ask is for you to NOT write mean comments and to NOT cuss. This blog is for children, 4-17, but what you say can be hurtful to our workers. Please just  stop.

Thank you very much and have a great day.



  1. Bravo Grace, Bravo. :3

  2. No! I am applauding you! (Kindly!)

  3. Aw, so sweet and touching

    Makes me sick. If i honestly gave a fuck about how other people
    felt i wouldnt of messed with you guys, im a mother fucking sociopath i
    could careless about how other people felt

  4. ok, thanks sociopath! :)

  5. I belive there is a way for you to delete comments, or make it so that you can view the comments before they are posted to see if they are suitable. If you figured out how to do that then maybe you can get rid of that rude AJ-Offers. What kind of name is that even???

    1. He sells AJ items on DeviantArt but doesn't give anything back.

    2. What kind of name is c . Elizabeth orr?
      It sounds like you typed a random letter wrote your name and misspelled or

    3. *original insult is original*

    4. but reviewing comments can get him off your blog

    5. Lmao i know something that isn't original
      that reply

  6. Oh my gosh. Why can you not leave Aj-Offers? I can see that you now enjoy to bully and cause arguments. Its not funny and not cool. And since it is now obvious that you just want to anger people, we could all just ignore you now. Nothing you say is any good and you know that. And, also, don't pull me into this just because I am standing up for Ferretlove. I saw your reply to my comment last post. I just want all of this to end, and I am putting all this is a polite way to avoid any other arguments. Just please, don't even reply to this. Although, knowing you, you may reply anyway to annoy me. But I just wanted to try once more to get you to leave this blog; It used to be a peaceful blog, and you have destroyed that peace. Stop.
    C. Elizabeth Orr, I agree with you. Ferret, maybe you could chanbe your comment settings to Moderated. My blog is like that, you can review the comments before you publish them, and some you can delete, and no one but you authors will ever see them.

    1. Only Slidoo can turn them to moderated :(

    2. >says everyone can ignore me
      >proceeds to write a full body paragraph about me

      >says not to pull her into this
      >Butts in

    3. Oh. Is Slidoo still working on the AJC?
