Quitting AJC?

Should I just quit this blog?
Should I?
Do you guys hate me?
My posts have never gotten any comments.
I am having no quitting party.
Because no one cares I exist.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're not the reason your posts don't get any comments.

  3. O-O 4 comments. In 4 minutes. That's a record for me!

  4. I'm sure there are plenty of people who care that you exist.

  5. Please DONT Ferret! I love your posts! I'm sorry I haven't been commenting lately! I've had TONS of homework and little time to get on AJ. I know it may seem no one reads your posts ( Trust me, I know), but we all appreciate you posting on here! Please
    DO NOT QUIT! Please!

  6. Oh, that was swirlshine BTW!

  7. Ferret, my friend. The blog hasn't been at its height lately, and none of us have received the amount of comments we are used to.

    I assure you, your posts are greatly appreciated, and you are not being ignored. So please, do not quit.

    You are one of the biggest contributors to the blog - I feel that both you and Grace are most likely to become the next generation of AJC authors.

    It seems as though the time for Mldriver and I are coming to an end, though I can't be quite sure. Life has been terribly busy lately, and I can't be as involved as I would like to be.

    Once again, you should definitely listen to the rest of these commenters and stay. It would do everyone a great favour!

    - Arctic

    1. Arcticstar, do you mean YOU might quit? Aw, please don't! I really like all of you guys's posts! I understand if you are busy, but... if you think you don't have time, maybe you and Mldriver can post sometimes, when u have free time?

    2. I'm afraid so, Swirlshine. I've been very busy, and have gotten into multiple different leadership positions in my life, and I'm afraid that leaves little time for posting without getting sick XD

      It's alright though, this isn't a finalized decision. It's just been on my mind lately, I suppose!

      If the future does mean that I must take my leave, I will certainly still stick around to watch the blog, comment, fill in, and perhaps make monthly posts and such!

      For now, though, we may all attempt to get this blog out of the rut it currently seems to be stuck in!

      - Arctic

  8. Don't quit, I may haven't been here from the beginning but I found this place around a month ago, It's pretty cool... It's just I really didn't think comments mattered. From now on I'll comment on all your posts ;w;

  9. why do something like that?
    people are here for you!

  10. it doesn't matter if your posts get comments, people still look at them geez. stay if you enjoy blogging, leave if you don't like it.

    1. Well that was rude. And it's MY choice, not an anonymous commenter's.

    2. Yes it does, Anonymous. Comments give you a reason to post for one thing. And say whatever you want to say in maybe a Nicer way next time. Ferret, I agree with Arcticstar's comment up there, this blog's just gotta get back on track, then it will be just like before!

    3. That was swirlshine again, sorry!

  11. Don't quit, continue enjoying what you're doing and people might notice :D

  12. You can tell how a blogger treats others by how they treat their anonymous commenters.

    1. You can tell how smart a person is by seeing the quality of their insults. On a scale from one to ten, you get -10.

    2. @Anonymous The only reason she's treating you like this is because you're being even worse.

    3. Well then that means some of you guys are treating anonymous commenters like second class citizens! Also what that person wrote was not mean they just meant you should treat anonymous commenters by how you treat regular commenters thats all they meant

  13. Ferret, please don't quit! I've been really busy and have not had time for animal jam or commenting. KEEP WRITING!
    Unikitty777 :3

  14. No. Quit. Your posts are uninteresting and irritating. You seem very immature in them as well. Sorry to say this.

    1. You are not as stupid as another anon from this June, but still worse than MANY others. At least you use grammar.

    2. I agree. Ferretlove36036's posts are stupid, and immature. She is the worse blogger ever! (next to swirl shine and another blogger)

    3. Ugh. Slidoo. Get rid of these. And to show these clowns (or this clown) how ridiculous they are being, please turn on comment moderation. I believe authors can moderate without being admins.

    4. OK i'm not on your side anymore I don't know who you are talking about but your being as worse as AJ-Offers!

    5. Excuse me Anonymous, you need to watch your attitude. Would you like it if someone said you suck at Track/Band/or whatever?

  15. although you may not be my favorite blogger, you really dont deserve all this hate and shouldn't quit. also, just because ppl dont comment doesn't mean they aren't liking ur posts (im usually too lazy to comment lol)

  16. You really should quit honestly, people are just pittying you, your blog
    is boring and really uninteresting. there are other blogs better than
    yours that deserve the attention you're just getting in the way, you should
    stop, theres a reason no one commented until now, its because no one cared
    and people still dont care, they just pitty you

    1. Tell me, why are you asking for attention? Krazy gets attention..... By being nice. Besides, you are making this blog look better. By viewing! LOL! You seem young, maybe 6? I am judging by your inconsistent grammar and low-quality insults.

    2. You really should leave honestly, people are just going to hate you, your comment
      is rude and really immature. There are other people better than
      you that deserve the attention. You're just spamming the page with rudeness, and you should
      stop. There's a reason you have no friends, it's because no one cared
      to deal with such a jerk. People still don't care, they just hate you.

    3. Well Aj-Offers If it's so boring to you why are you even reading this blog can you give me an answer on that{?

    4. Next time, try to spell 'pity' correctly, Aj-offers

  17. This anon hating on you, pretending to be multiple people, isn't very good. At least post at different times, not three minutes apart.

    It's sad people are like this.

  18. Please don't quit! I read every one of your posts and I think they are funny I don't care if people think they are immature I like that (because I am immature also)
    Also now that mldriver is quitting D= we need to keep the other authors so the blog will like you said stay alive I find them interesting and fun! Please don't quit

  19. Ferret I am sorry i have not been commenting recently. I have tons more schoolwork this year and less time for AJ. I still go on, and hope to catch you there!
    Your Friend,
    Unikitty777 :3
